Sharp Objects
Catching The Big Fish
Noopiming: The Cure for White Ladies
The History of Sexuality: The Will to Knowledge
Unclaimed Harvest: An Oral History of the Tebhaga Women's Movement
•last updated: 2025-03-10 16:31:07.048437
Greek Lessons
Human Acts
We Do Not Part
The Morality of Freedom
On the Aesthetic Education of Man
Naturalism and Ontology
Contingency, Irony, Solidarity
The Birth of Biopolitics
Livro do Desassossego
The Fall
Fear & Trembling
Waiting for Godot
The Republic
The Waste Land
testo junkie
yorùbá boy running
•finished: 2025-03-06 09:20:21.682541
definitely loses something towards the second half of the book, but this has been a common point considering the circumstances of the novel's publication. the most arresting parts of the novel are its 1st half - steeped in yoruba culture, with the singing of the drums, the ubiquity of the orisas and people's relationships to one another. the collision of religions in the early colonial period was also a point of interest. the work just *almost* starts to comment on ajayi's complicity in the english colonial project, but that's not what it's about. if anything it just brought out my ambivalence towards crowther as a figure. looking forwards to rereading this one. might grab the paperback
Entangled Life
The Colour Curtain
Liberalism: A Counter History
The Jakarta Method
ultra-processed people
Septologien VII
Gwangju Uprising: The Rebellion for Democracy in South Korea
•last updated: 2025-03-03 04:28:09.646475
A Shining
O Anjo Mudo
Chainsaw Man
experiments in imagining otherwise
crude britannia: how oil shaped a nation
The Apple in the Dark
Season of Migration to the North
Trans Femme Futures
The Jakarta Method
Abolish the Family
Parable of the Sower
Parable of the Sower
paradise rot
The Life of a Stupid Man
How to Read a Book
The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study
•last updated: 2025-02-26 10:17:00.106512
An Introduction to Dialectics
One Last Stop
Fun Home
The Redemption of Time
After Dark
•finished: 2025-02-24 08:00:00
I finished this in a little over a day and really loved it. I was completely immersed in the world of the story and loved the calm feeling it gave me while reading it. I also really loved the characters. Mari was relatable and I would love to be friends with Takahashi. All of the characters were interesting. The open-ended plot didn’t really bother me and I just enjoyed following around the characters and listening to their problems and opinions about life.
•finished: 2025-02-24 08:00:00
Objectively good, I can see why it’s a classic. Wasn’t a favorite for me though, maybe I’ll reread it in the future
Cat’s Cradle
•finished: 2025-02-24 08:00:00
The religious themes and criticism on searching for meaning stuck out to me as well as the questions about the ethics of scientific advancement it brought up. I wasn’t sure what I thought of it when I first finished it but I couldn’t stop thinking about it afterwards and realized that I did enjoy it. I also found it interesting that none of the characters were outright good or bad.
Kafka on the Shore
Kashmir: Towards Insurgency
Parable of the Sower
Satan in Goray
Anxious Bliss: A Case Study of Dissociation in a Mexican Nun
•finished: 2025-02-24 09:27:44.883686
Grandma Moses: My Life's History
No Siege is Absolute: Versions of Rene Char
I, Little Asylum
The Selected Writings
Spring Essence: The Poetry of Hô Xuân Huong
So There: Poems 1976-1983
The Lost Lunar Baedeker
Down Below
The Professor and the Siren
White Walls
Red Bird
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
Seeing the Light
Remembering Anna O. A Century of Mystification
The Cassandra Complex Living with Disbelief A Modern Perspective on Hysteria
The Spiral Way: A Woman's Healing Journey
Agnes Martin: Writings / Schriften
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
•last updated: 2025-02-24 08:38:25.556178
A Wild Sheep Chase
Sirens of Titan
The Ends of the World
User Friendly
Anna Karenina
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
•last updated: 2025-02-21 16:14:12.825032
Wuthering Heights
Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger
•finished: 2025-02-21 16:14:00.821948
Abolish the Family
Experiments in Joy
on parole
the appe in the dark
klara and the sun
the passion according to g.h.
a personal matter
the remains of the day
The Hour of the Star
The Book of Questions
Kick the Latch
A Silent Language
Butcher's Crossing
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
String Theory
Just for the Summer
Family Lexicon
33 1/3: The Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs
WipEout Futurism: The Graphic Archives
Enemies and Neighbors
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland
•last updated: 2025-02-18 00:25:50.008596
N=2 Supersymmetric Dynamics for Pedestrians
The Netanyahus
Mason & Dixon
the year of magical thinking
recognizing the stranger: palestine and narrative
the critic as artist
swann's way
Knowledge and Social Imagery
Toxic Childhood Stress: The Legacy of Early Trauma and How to Heal
•last updated: 2025-02-14 05:15:57.535317
Broken Bonds: The bonds that tie.
No Exit and Three Other Plays
•finished: 2025-02-14 05:00:00
Finished on Feb 13th 2025 Dirty Hands was my favorite of the four plays. I liked all the "playing" between Jessica and Hugo.
The Thursday Murder Club
All About H. Hatterr
Blue Lard
The Last Man
Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora?
Beware of Pity
The Use of Photography
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (The Wicked Years, #1)
•finished: 2025-04-01 22:00:00
the style of writing is a turn off but oh boy how we need fantasy to make us see certain aspects of our reality!
Trans Femme Futures
•finished: 2025-02-11 23:00:00
despite the whole jargon of academic keywords, it had really nice chapters in the importance of political work on the left to be abolitionist! always nice to read fellow trans femmes wanting to hold hands while the world ends
Catcher in the Rye
•finished: 2025-02-12 14:19:48.442783
there is this episode of southpark where this book is mentioned, making me feel that this book might be such a doomed book and then a friend told me several serial killers and/or school shooters had mentioned this book that i was a bit scared?? but it's a book that resonates deeply with a sort of pessimistic take and depressed feeling...and it is so character driven, instead of plot driven, that you really can tell that it is a book that reads as a sort of hang out with someone that you wouldn't talk to possibly any other way
A Short History of Trans Misogyny
the great gatsby
Lords of Uncreation
The Kurdish Women's Movement: History, Theory, Practice
•last updated: 2025-02-11 11:55:46.096170
Old Kiln
The Lantern Bearer
The Ruined City
Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea
Shards of Earth
Eyes of the Void
The First Men in the Moon
Catcher in the Rye
•last updated: 2025-02-08 03:52:01.403280
Purchased from: She Said — Berlin, Germany Edition: Paperback, Jacaranda Books (2020) ISBN: 9781913090111 Blurb: „Lush and frothy, incisive and witty, Shola von Reinhold's decadent queer literary debut immerses readers in the pursuit of aesthetics and beauty, while interrogating the removal and obscurement of Black figures from history. Solitary Mathilda has long been enamored with the 'Bright Young Things' of the 20s, and throughout her life, her attempts at reinvention have mirrored their extravagance and artfulness. After discovering a photograph of the forgotten Black modernist poet Hermia Druitt, who ran in the same circles as the Bright Young Things that she adores, Mathilda becomes transfixed and resolves to learn as much as she can about the mysterious figure. Her search brings her to a peculiar artists' residency in Dun, a small European town Hermia was known to have lived in during the 30s. The artists' residency throws her deeper into a lattice of secrets and secret societies that takes hold of her aesthetic imagination, but will she be able to break the thrall of her Transfixions?“
•last updated: 2025-02-08 03:51:14.405685
Purchased from: Tintabudi — Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Edition: Paperback, Faction Press and Ethos Books (2024) ISBN: 9781913090111 Blurb: „What does it mean to be Malay in the 21st century? Especially in a country like Malaysia where identity politics is questioned on an almost daily basis, and policed by the state. 16 years later after the publication of I Am Muslim, Dina Zaman returns to write a memoir, writing about what it means to be Malay, and Muslim in the 21st century. The writer embarked on Malayland during the Covid pandemic, to understand the anger and frustrations of her fellow ethnic Malays who were fighting against (imagined) enemies and a new world order impacted by a virus that killed over seven million people globally. She grew up in a Malaysia that was seething with anger, bubbling underneath the many nightclubs Malaysia was famed for in the 1980s, that witnessed how secularism killed its Malay Muslim heritage. The 1998 Reformasi movement changed Malaysia and whether for the better, is left up to Malaysians to decide. Today race and faith are discussed and embraced frenetically, where hateful extremism is hidden under the guise of nationalism. Young Malaysians are asserting their political and birth identities through social media. And along the way, the sense of irony and humour that Malaysia is known for, has lost its way. Malayland is a reflective book: memories and flashbacks of a childhood filled with earthquakes, spooks and a sense of wonderment and curiosity about a country that is fighting for a desired identity.“
Briefly Very Beautiful
Occultic;Nine Vol.1
Disappearance of Hatsune Miku
Last Quarter Vol.2
Last Quarter Vol.1
Marxism and the Oppression of Women
Planescape: Torment
The Memory of Animals
Never Let Me Go
The Space Between the Stars
After On: A Novel of Silicon Valley
The Harpy
If Cats Disappeared from the World
Exit West
Our Wives Under the Sea
Nona the Ninth
Harrow the Ninth
The Origins of Totalitarianism
Beyond the Door of No Return
Building the Collective: Soviet Graphic Design 1917-1937
•finished: 2025-02-05 07:36:22.056134
The Temptation to Exist
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (The Wicked Years, #1)
•finished: 2025-02-03 11:42:47.969297
R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
The Lure of Antiquity and the Cult of the Machine
Tanakh תָּנָ״ךְ
Lord of the Rings
A Wizard of Earthsea
Little Women
The Holy Family
For The Time Being
•finished: 2025-02-02 22:29:43.207942
entrapped deep inside the force is evil there is a spark of goodness
click me!
•last updated: 2025-02-02 02:49:06.636716
hi im sophie :-) this is my 2025 book tracker, ill occasionally add longer stories/essays add me on storygraph: everythingeatsandiseaten
Hannah and Martin
Stone Butch Blues
the fourth state of matter
•finished: 2025-01-13 00:00:00
short story, the new yorker "when he looks over at me, it's with an expression i've seen before. it's the way he looks at the dog on the blanket."
Parable of the Talents
Socialist Reconstruction
The secret history
Parable of the Sower
The Three Musketeers
The Last Days of New Paris
The Scar
Merchants of Doubt
What is Life
The Experience Machine
The Unaccountability Machine
Invisible Cities
In the Skin of a Lion
Everything for Everyone: An Oral History of the New York Commune
•last updated: 2025-01-29 05:59:30.521505
At Night All Blood is Black
In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love
English Etiquette: The motivation behind the manners
•last updated: 2025-01-27 17:15:32.633565
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern
De rerum natura
The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne
Escape: How a generation shaped, destroyed, and survived the Internet
•finished: 2025-01-27 17:00:44.135834
Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel
•finished: 2025-01-27 11:06:15.344963
Gwangju Diary: Beyond Death, Beyond the Darkness of the Age
•last updated: 2025-01-26 12:39:46.437120
Cultivation Chat Group
The Wretched of the Earth
the st. alwynn girls at sea
•finished: 2025-01-25 05:00:00
short story, the new yorker "now she understood the truth: a boy was nothing but the boy you made up in your head."
Convenience Store Woman
Lectures on Solitons
Natural Wine: An introduction to organic and biodynamic wines made naturally
•last updated: 2025-01-24 23:37:30.904393
New American Bartender’s Handbook
A Tempest of Tea
•finished: 2025-01-23 00:00:00
- dnf at 50 pages lmao! - i couldn't resist looking at reviews and i fear my vibe check was correct all along... i lowkey disliked arthie, i couldn't connect to her and everyone sings high praises of her 'chaos'. pretty much 70% of the 50 pages i read was glazing arthie of how badass she is... with nothing to show for. her mind is all VENGEANCEEEE but her backstory didn't feel compelling to me. i didn't feel empathetic to her cause and belief. - unfortunately the teahouse, that was in the BLURB; the SELLING POINT, was only mentioned on the first part of the book until she set out on an adventure with her buddies, and idk you alr lost me there - the attraction b/w arthie and mateo felt really forced from the get-go. it was clear they want to check the 'enemies to lovers' off the trope checklist. - ANYWAY, for 50 pages I sure did have a lot to say! lmao i thought whether if i should continue cuz irdm reading below than my average personal preference BUT you know what's worse than a bad book? a boring book. but yeah i figured it's a dnf for me sawry - i really should stop falling for YA books. i feel like i've outgrown them... many years ago..,
Letters to a Young Poet
Madonna in a fur coat
Pride and Prejudice
Daughter of the Moon Goddess
A breath of life
The Year of Magical Thinking
The Poppy War
Everything I know about love
An Apprenticeship or the Book of Pleasures
Dear Dolly
•last updated: 2025-01-24 11:08:27.130788
- quick read on the plane - love the way she approaches each letter - as a late 20s girl still navigating life, i still pick up small nuggets of wisdom reading through each entry--even if i completely do not relate to them
Funny Story
•last updated: 2025-01-24 11:05:09.781123
- the self yearns for 2000s romcom tropes
About Me
•last updated: 2025-01-24 05:47:52.742891
Hi! Welcome to my bookshelf. I try to upload everything I'm currently reading here, including books, papers, and general gibberish. My portfolio:
Herscht 07769
The Melancholy of Resistance
The Rings of Saturn
•last updated: 2025-01-23 05:45:03.717581
mai’s favorite book. poetry and prose about the black experience in america. author: claudia rankine
Paradise Rot
We Are Okay
Mr Salary
Considering Kate
aquicorn cove
the mothkeeper
none of this is true
•finished: 2025-01-22 06:00:00
white woman cooked with this one fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji tara smith core
negative space
we are okay
tender is the flesh
the only good indians
this thing between us
maggie's grave
•finished: 2025-01-22 06:00:00
kids being stupid and triggering old dead witch. gore fest baby
the haar
left hand
sara or the existence of fire
exquisite corpse
the sluts
universal harvester
pinky and pepper forever
the girl from the sea
galaxy: the prettiest star
monster friends
crabapple trouble
false witness
the creative act
What color is your parachute? 2022
Varieties of Fascism
In the Buddha's Words
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
•finished: 2025-01-22 06:00:00
Incredible and important reading material for conceptualizing worldly-relationships
Negative Space
•finished: 2025-01-22 06:00:00
Horrifyingly immature horror tale, incredible psychedelic writing
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
•last updated: 2025-01-22 17:05:29.431298
Formative thoughts about how city and civilization coexist
late stories
•last updated: 2025-01-21 23:09:40.604725
library book (due 2/4/25) interesting set of connected short stories
to paradise
•last updated: 2025-01-21 23:09:22.734974
library book (due 2/4/25) i own a little life as i thought i'd enjoy it but surprisingly never really got into it.. i'm enjoying this novel a lot more! hoping to revisit a little life afterwards :-0
Cadillac Desert
•last updated: 2025-01-21 21:33:54.332500
Hard to finish, shits just too depressing
A Walk in the Park
•finished: 2025-01-21 21:32:42.700155
Can’t do hard things ‘off the couch’, get prepared. Great adventure book.
Crooked Plow
Solstitia Issue #2
How to Keep House While Drowning
Operação Impensável
{Article} What If Friendship, Not Marriage, Was at the Center of Life?
•last updated: 2025-01-21 09:00:27.134561
{Article} Google shattered human connection
Mrs. Dalloway
The Walker: On Finding and Losing Yourself in the Modern City
•last updated: 2025-01-21 04:56:25.436493
House of Mirth
Liberty, Equality, Fashion
the scarlet letter
A Slow Review of the AGT Correspondence
4d N=1 Dynamics
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
What My Mother and I Don't Talk About
Paradise Rot
The Apple in the Dark
•finished: 2025-01-17 02:01:39.807696
first book of 2024! took a second lol. i like ivan so much & my respect for sally rooney grows with each page
Brideshead Revisited
The Idiot
Slouching Toward Bethlehem
Annie John
Demon Copperhead
Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Ambitious Women
•last updated: 2025-01-16 18:32:45.236243
The Emerald Mile
Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs, Artists, Dreamers, Drop-outs, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art Form
•finished: 2025-01-15 21:55:11.310737
The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets
A Complicated War: The Harrowing of Mozambique
The King of Elfland’s Daughter
The Gods of Pegāna
Jellies: Living Art
I Am America (And So Can You!)
Earth (The Book): A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race
The Selfish Gene
The Illuminated Torah - Sefer Bereishis / The Book of Genesis
•last updated: 2025-01-15 21:38:08.524887
Settings of Silver: An Introduction to Judaism
The Importance of Living
Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers
•last updated: 2025-01-15 21:31:13.229066
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community
•last updated: 2025-01-15 18:32:26.863087
Wolf Hall
Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment
Wuthering Heights
•finished: 2025-01-14 06:00:00
If I've ever seen emotions. I really have liked the raw rour de force of everyone in this book. Just how emotionally charged this thing is without feeling corny. Maybe I'll update this later but it was just an incredibly book. From the way it is narrated to the the characters and story. There is a reason this is a classic. Incredible.
Critiquing Brahminism
School of Fear
Yerba Buena
great expectations
the unbearable lightness of being
The Provence Cookbook
The Jewish Deli: An Illustrated Guide to the Chosen Food
•finished: 2025-01-13 19:46:25.694898
The New Joys of Yiddish: Completely Updated
The Mushroom at the End of the World
Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
•last updated: 2025-01-13 15:37:28.317898
Eden, Eden, Eden
In Too Deep: A Jack Reacher Novel (29)
The Mother Tongue - English and How it Got That Way
The Great Gatsby
Brave New World
The Physiology of Taste: Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy with Recipes
•last updated: 2025-01-11 00:04:24.213195
American Psycho
The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's On-line Pioneers
•finished: 2016-01-09 00:00:00
My Life In Art
Melon's Guide to Homepage Web Craft
The Ten Commandments: The Significance of God's Laws in Everyday Life
•finished: 2025-01-09 06:00:00
The Remains of the Day
The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter
•last updated: 2025-01-09 15:38:38.332073
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains
•last updated: 2025-01-09 15:38:06.845553
The Book of Eating: Adventures in Professional Gluttony
•last updated: 2025-01-09 12:15:29.641065
Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration
Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan
The Worm and His Kings
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Hour of the Star
Let Your Life Speak
The Travels
Kiss Her Once for Me
o segredo do vale da lua
aristóteles e dante descobrem os segredos do universo
•last updated: 2025-01-07 23:55:47.182399
o conto da aia
sem coração
o labirinto do fauno
a canção de aquiles
aristóteles e dante mergulham nas águas do mundo
o retrato de dorian gray
o sol e a estrelas
tress, a garota do mar esmeralda
o que o rio sabe
o roubo em três atos
a biblioteca dos sonhos secretos
chocolate quente às quintas-feiras
My Lobotomy
The Subject and the Scientist
•finished: 2025-01-07 05:00:00
My favourite book. Its about a scientist who clones his sick daughter to save her, using the clone as spares. His daughter dies and he is left with the clone.
Secrets for the Mad: Obsessions, Confessions, and Life Lessons
•finished: 2025-01-07 16:57:06.537557
Such a good book, sortve like an autobiography. Talks a lot about Dodie's experience being queer and such. Delves into DPDR, which hit close to home for me ahah. I totally recommend, even if you don't listen to her music! Includes some poems, lyric excerpts, and segments written by her friends
No Longer Human
•last updated: 2025-01-07 16:54:39.640491
Reading the manga version done by Junji Ito, Im really enjoying it so far!! will update when I finish.
Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again
A Mathematician's Lament
Anna Karenina
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
The Iron Flood
The Alchemist
Night Flight
The Little Prince
The Idiot
All Quiet on the Western Front
Nothing If Not Critical: Selected Essays on Art and Artists
Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications
•finished: 2018-01-07 00:00:00
The Shock of the New
The Anti-Depressant Fact Book
How to Listen to and Understand Great Music
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering
•finished: 2016-01-07 00:00:00
The Diary of a Young Girl
I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941
The Little Prince
10 Stupid Things Women do to Mess Up Their Lives
The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands
Parenthood by Proxy: Don't have them if you don't want them
•finished: 2025-01-07 08:03:09.493374
The Ten Commandments
Settings of Silver
Woman Power
The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage
Embracing Hygge Living
In Praise of Stay at Home Moms
Bad Childhood, Good Life
How to be the Parent Your Teenager Wants You to be
•last updated: 2025-01-07 07:59:25.810874
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:57:59.561042
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Stop Whining, Start Living
The Cat in the Hat
Food: A Cultural Culinary History
Magic Tree House #17: Tonight on the Titanic
Harry Potter
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Goosebumps: One Day at HorrorLand
Ladies Like Us
The Attention Recession: How inflation and the pandemic are reshaping entertainment
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:48:53.005357
A Cloud in Trousers
Goosebumps: My Hairiest Adventure
Goosebumps: My Best Friend is Invisible
The Inexplicable Logic of My Life
Goosebumps: Night of the Living Dummy
Time and Time Again
Goosebumps: The Cuckoo Clock of Doom
Braiding Sweetgrass
Goosebumps: Go Eat Worms!
Wind and Truth
Goosebumps: Be Careful What You Wish For…
Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask
Goosebumps: Say Cheese and Die!
Medieval Children
The Civil War of 1812: American Citizens, British Subjects, Irish Rebels, & Indian Allies
•finished: 2025-01-07 06:00:00
Peace Work
Goodbye Soldier
Where Have All the Bullets Gone?
Mussolini: His Part in My Downfall
Spike Milligan
“Rommel?” “Gunner Who?”: A Confrontation in the Desert
Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:19:52.844306
Sir Nobonk and the Terrible Dreadful Awful Naughty Nasty Dragon
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:18:42.304532
Badjelly the Witch
Goosebumps: Monster Blood
The Story of Human Language
American Colonies: The Settling of North America
Star Maker
Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future
•last updated: 2025-01-07 07:12:09.454506
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:07:50.570394
The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Shadows
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:06:50.774666
The Cat in the Hat
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:03:08.451744
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:01:22.516495
Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World
•finished: 2025-01-07 07:00:39.287949
Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Letters from the Earth
A Christmas Carol
Vanity Fair
The Sea Will Claim Everything
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
•finished: 2025-01-05 00:00:00
Life Ceremony
Pájaros en la boca
As últimas crianças de Tóquio
O silência do mangue
Os perigos de se fumar na cama
Las ciudades invisibles
The Beginning of Desire
Drive your plow over the bones of the dead
•last updated: 2025-01-06 03:30:26.411854
started on: 03.01.2025
Felicidade clandestina
Agua Viva
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Gone Girl
The Bell Jar
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke
In the Miso Soup
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
The War of the Worlds
The Metamorphosis
'Salems Lot
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:37:29.394689
Man, Fuck This House
Press Reset: Ruin and Recovery in the Video Game Industry
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:36:05.383826
War of the Daleks
The Library at Mount Char
The White Album
Ancient Christian Ecopoetics: Cosmologies, Saints, Things
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:28:03.465703
Way to Water: A Theopoetics Primer
Ghostways: Two Journeys in Unquiet Places
Priest Turned Therapist Treats Fear of God
The Orchard
The Terrible We: Thinking with Trans Maladjustment
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:24:32.885135
Side Affects: On Being Trans and Feeling Bad
Counting Descent
Don't Call Us Dead
The New Testament
Spring and All
The Tradition
Devil House
The Flowering Wand: Rewilding the Sacred Masculine
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:20:23.594446
The New Saints: From Broken Hearts to Spiritual Warriors
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:20:04.910081
Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices
The Spirit of the Quakers
The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:18:01.533015
How to Go Mad Without Losing Your Mind: Madness and Black Radical Creativity
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:17:28.310268
Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto
Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:16:27.554226
Stone Butch Blues
The Seeker and the Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton
•last updated: 2025-01-05 22:15:18.829772
The Universal Christ
Twice Alive
Crossing and Dwelling: A Theory of Religion
When God Was a Bird
Story of a Poem
Failure to Comply
The Godman and the Sea
As a Driven Leaf
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice
God With Us: The Meaning Of The Cross And Resurrection - Then And Now
•finished: 2025-01-05 22:08:55.187859
Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency
Take Me Home: An Autobiography
Night Sky With Exit Wounds
The Name of the Rose
Dating God: Live and Love in the Way of St. Francis
A Small Place
Permanent Volta
A Doll's House
All the President's Men
A Separate Peace
Jane Eyre
Letters to a Young Poet
The Blue Rock Collection
Deaf Republic
Sympathetic Little Monster
The Hatred of Poetry
Why Poetry
I Swallow Turquoise for Courage
There There
Anam Ċara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair
Dakota: A Spiritual Geography
Bluff: Poems
East of Eden
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Atomic Habits
The Coaching Habit
A Tale of Two Cities
All Quiet on the Western Front
The Sentinel: A Jack Reacher Novel (25)
Better Off Dead: A Jack Reacher Novel (26)
Of Mice and Men
Tarzan of the Apes
No Plan B: A Jack Reacher Novel (27)
The Secret: A Jack Reacher Novel (28)
Wind, sands and stars
The Self-taught Programmer
Spencer Gerhardt: Ticking Stripe
Blank Forms 05: Aspirations of Madness
Catherine Christer Hennix: Poësy Matters and Other Matters
•last updated: 2025-01-03 22:55:50.005654
Black Case Volume I & II: Return From Exile
The Gilda Stories
High Conflict
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Dream Work
The Brothers Karamazov
Les Miserables
A Walk in the Park
Desert Solitare
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Book of Pleasures
In the Margins
The Backyard Bird Chronicles
Leaning Toward Light
You Are Here
World of Wonders
Near to the Wild Heart
Letters to a Young Poet
Custodians of Wonder
The Lost Words
The Serviceberry
The Wild Iris
Poetry as Survival
After Dark
Anne of the Island
•last updated: 2024-12-27 05:15:19.096746
Author: L.M. Montgomery Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts:
Bright Young Women
A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume
Thomas the Obscure
In Watermelon Sugar
Wolf Children and the Problem of Human Nature
Riichi Book I
The Creative Act
Stealing Home: Los Angeles, the Dodgers, and the Lives Caught in Between
•finished: 2024-12-20 20:18:37.363252
Frighten the Horses
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
•last updated: 2024-12-20 20:06:24.232920
The society of the spectacle
Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions
•last updated: 2024-12-20 20:04:01.150860
Programming from the ground up
The Little Prince
Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Master and Margarita
Something That May Shock and Discredit You
•last updated: 2024-12-13 23:14:22.881207
20% done as of 12/13/2024 (i'm a slowish reader but also i'm just taking my time with this one)
The Things They Carried
How Music Works
•last updated: 2024-12-13 23:11:55.018821
i don't think i've ever actually read this book cover to cover, but it's a fantastic shelf/reference book that i love to keep close
The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet
•last updated: 2024-12-13 23:10:48.036076
i started listening to this as an audio book. i really liked it, but audio books aren't really my thing, so i returned it before my loan expired so the next person could listen to it. my gf has a hardcover copy so maybe i'll borrow it from her sometime
Dark Spring
Punk Suprematism
Diary of a Void: A Novel
To The Lighthouse: The Virginia Woolf Library Authorized Edition
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:39:35.462759
Carmelina : Figures
Gravity and Grace
Raving (Practices)
Keeping / the window open: Interviews, Statements, Alarms, Excursions
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:37:59.334152
No Knowledge Is Complete Until It Passes Through My Body
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:37:49.018213
Top Stories
The Ceramics Bible Revised Edition
How to Start Writing (and When to Stop): Advice for Writers
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:34:36.198901
Terminal Boredom: Stories
Hit Parade of Tears: Stories
Slow Spatial Reader: Chronicles of Radical Affection
Lemon, Love & Olive Oil
Mina Stone: Cooking for Artists
Selected Writings of Gertrude Stein
The Ginny Suite
Rob Pruitt's eBay Flea Market: Year 1
Near, At
Dusty Pink
Rodin and Other Prose Pieces
Walid Raad - Better Be Watching The Clouds / I Want To Be Able To Welcome My Father To My House
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:26:19.169821
Burnout: The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat
An Apartment on Uranus: Chronicles of the Crossing
•last updated: 2024-12-10 21:25:25.076946
Can the Monster Speak?: Report to an Academy of Psychoanalysts
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:25:09.183134
Hole Studies
Decide Who You Are
The Reluctant Narrator: A Survey of Narrative Practices Across Media
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:24:13.043001
A Very Large Array: Selected Poems
Harm Eden
Stages: On Dying, Working, and Feeling
The New Fuck You
Walking Through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black
Rainbow Lilies Gangrene Blues
All That Beauty
Moosewood Restaurant New Classics
Trinh T. Minh-ha: The Twofold Commitment
Tender Noted
The Archive as a Productive Space of Conflict
Letters Home
Trans and Gender Diverse Voices in Libraries
The Fifth Wound
300 Arguments: Essays
Encyclopedia of Political Record Labels
Abu Jildeh and Al-Armeet
Stuff: Instead of a Memoir
Seven Controlled Vocabularies and Obituary 2004. The Joy of Cooking: [AIRPORT NOVEL MUSICAL POEM PAINTING FILM PHOTO HALLUCINATION LANDSCAPE] (Wesleyan Poetry Series)
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:12:47.607741
The Fae Richards Photo Archive
Greer Lankton: Sketchbook, September 1977
The Superrationals
Publishing as Method : Ways of Working Together in Asia
Picasso's Assholes
Return to the Field
The Milk of Inquiry
Christopher Knowles: In a Word
Punks: New & Selected Poems
Simone Fattal: Works and Days
She Follows No Progression: A Theresa Hak Kyung Cha Reader
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:09:01.983080
A Rock, A River, A Street
An Eros Encyclopedia
Work Won't Love You Back
Loudermilk: Or, The Real Poet; Or, The Origin of the World
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:07:25.194258
Forget Me Not
Amy Sillman: Faux Pas: Selected Writings and Drawings
•last updated: 2024-12-10 21:06:12.703354
Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning
Defiant Pose: 25th Anniversary Edition
Untitled. (1-5)
Kaspar and Other Plays
The Ravickians
Iiu Susiraja: A style called a dead fish
Silence: Lectures and Writings, 50th Anniversary Edition
•last updated: 2024-12-10 21:02:02.059681
Classification of a Spit Stain
Love and Loss: American Portrait and Mourning Miniatures
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:01:37.899458
Euripides III: Heracles, The Trojan Women, Iphigenia among the Taurians, Ion (The Complete Greek Tragedies)
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:01:25.335725
Digital Memory and the Archive (Volume 39) (Electronic Mediations)
•finished: 2024-12-10 21:01:11.853335
The Clearing
An Orange
In the Dark Room
Affinities: On Art and Fascination
The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis
Index Cards: Selected Essays
Be Here Now
Navigation: A Publication for a Place without a Historical Center, Created Continuously Anew in Meetings and Events That Occur in Empowered Spaces, Simultaneously
•finished: 2024-12-10 20:56:59.000676
The Sluts
The Crystal Text
After Accountability: A Critical Genealogy of a Concept
•last updated: 2024-12-10 20:55:51.021928
The Formation of Calcium
The Book of Promethea
Condition of Secrecy
The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington
The Hearing Test: A Novel
Weaving Language I: Lexicon
Teststrip: a history of an artist-run space (1992-1997)
More than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech
•finished: 2024-12-10 20:49:33.003156
Three Novels: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable
A Lover's Discourse: Fragments
The Hundreds
Visual Archives of Sex
Questions to Ask Before Your Bat Mitzvah
Discipline Park
why letter ellipses
Elizabeth/The Story of Drone
Protest: The Aesthetics of Resistance
The Hare
In Memoriam to Identity
Witches Abroad
Tropic of Cancer
Good Omens
Where the Crawdads Sing
Braiding Sweetgrass
Wyrd Sisters
Thinking like a Parrot: Perspectives from the Wild
•last updated: 2024-12-07 18:16:39.152909
Natural History of Vacant Lots
Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses
•last updated: 2024-12-07 18:15:44.306974
The Bird Sisters
•finished: 2024-11-29 00:00:00
Wow again amazing vibes and wonderfully terrible characters Rating: ★★★★★
Convenience Store Woman
Fire is Your Water
How To Be Human
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
Billy Summers
Tom Lake
Hello Beautiful
The Berry Pickers
The Bee Sting
Little Liar
The Girl With The Louding Voice
•finished: None
A powerful book about a young girl in Nigeria, wants and education but is trapped in a life of servitude.
Calling a Wolf a Wolf
Ice Age
The Selfish Gene
The Defining Decade
The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World
•last updated: 2024-11-29 15:31:54.656020
Boom: Bubbles and the End of Stagnation
Hard Landing: The Epic Contest for Power and Profits That Plunged the Airlines into Chaos
•last updated: 2024-11-29 15:30:53.346339
Ping Pong
•finished: 2024-11-26 15:28:47.802652
Makoto “Smile” Tsukimoto and his friend Yutaka “Peco” Hoshino have been playing table tennis since they were kids, but as they enter high school, they find that the game has changed. Seeing potential in them that they themselves don’t fully realize, the coach recruits them for the school team. Bringing out their best will mean challenging the top players from rival schools in the summer tournament, including an ace Chinese exchange student who almost made the Olympic team. With the pressure on, can Smile and Peco take the heat and make it into the finals?
Tekkonkinkreet: Black & White 30th Anniversary Edition
•finished: 2024-11-26 15:28:39.037400
The streets of Treasure Town are said to belong to "The Cats." They know everything that goes on in the city, and no one can stir up trouble without going through them first. In reality, The Cats are a pair of orphan boys called Black and White, who aren’t afraid of anything or anyone. But their rule of the streets is challenged when the Yakuza come to town and start making changes. The wild Black and the carefree White have no one to rely on but themselves to get their Treasure Town back to the way it was. But their bond is tested as they quickly realize going back to how things were may no longer be an option.
Winesburg, Ohio: A Group of Tales of Ohio Small-Town Life
•last updated: 2024-11-25 16:59:17.298546
Pineapple Street
The Long Walk
True Knowledge of the Christ: Theosophy and Rosicrucianism
•last updated: 2024-11-14 08:27:23.162458
Black Man in a White Coat
The Amputee's Guide to Sex
All that Remains
Normal Life
•last updated: 2024-11-12 22:58:34.034936
"Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law"
Ordinary Affects
The Message
Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age
•last updated: 2024-11-07 09:38:34.033212
Wounded by Love
Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
•last updated: 2024-11-07 09:37:16.906399
Everyday Saints and Other Stories
Schopenhauer's Porcupines: Intimacy and Its Dilemmas
•last updated: 2024-11-07 05:58:43.934505
A Scatter of Light
I Who Have Never Known Men
A Mathematician's Apology
A Pale View of Hills
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Into the Wild
Superstring Theory: Vol II
String Theory: Vol I
Mathemtical Introduction to Conformal Field Theory
Bliss Montage
•finished: 2024-11-03 07:00:00
Finished this in one day which is the fastest I've read a book in a hot sec. A collection of short stories that are both grounded yet absurdist (a tightrope to walk to be sure - my closest analog for the style is maybe Michael DeForge?). Thuroughly enjoyable
The World Beyond Your Head
No Longer Human
Virgin Whore
Past Tense: The Cocteau Diaries Volume 1
Portrait of a Thief
Dear Girls
•finished: 2022-01-26 00:00:00
borrowed from libby as an audiobook. a pretty lighthearted listen (from what i remember)
Tuesdays with Morrie
Little Fires Everywhere
Surfing Through Hyperspace: Understanding Higher Universes in Six Easy Lessons
•finished: 2024-11-01 07:00:00
i finished reading this a couple years ago, but there were a lot of parts i kept going back to over and over again. i'd like to read it again in its entirety. recommended and sent to me by marlon :)
Einstein's Dreams
I'm Glad My Mom Died
The Vegitarian
Before Brezhnev Died
The Last Night at the Telegraph Club
Bordism: Old and New
•last updated: 2024-10-22 15:31:55.147620
D. Freed Application of bordism categories to topological quantum field theory
War and Peace
•finished: 2024-10-15 07:00:00
penguins classic version going in mostly blind, only knowing the book's reputation as something classic and massive, my first two realizations were a) it’s very hard to keep track of all the characters and b) it’s surprisingly readable? Tolstoy has clear characterization and tight chapters. The actual writing isn't bloated or obtuse and it felt more contemporary than I expected. It's a marathon but not a slog. Moments are evocative, crushing, sometimes hilarious. but man, somehow this 1300 page book feels twice that length. He admits this early on but it's not fully supposed to be a 'novel'. it's Tolstoy's rendering of an important moment in the history of Russia (1800-1812) that he spent years studying and researching (the book was written about 40 years later). The narration largely follows characters weaving in and out of historical events, but regularly step outside of fiction as Tolstoy describes historical context (the movement of armies, the philosophy of movement of masses, the fallacy of 'great individuals of history', etc). These gods-eye-view sidequests can last for 60+ pages at a time. The worst offender here is the epilogue (more than 100 dull pages long) which sucks any momentum the reader may have had going into the book's homestretch and replaces it with a 101 philosophy treatise of free will. I would go as far to say anyone reading War and Peace can skip it entirely and not miss a thing. War and Peace manages to be about everything. Love and loss and battle and nature and god and mundanity and nobility and peasantry and duels and economics and It's sweeping and massive but also specific, human scaled, and cares deeply about the experiences of individuals.
House of Leaves
The Travelling Cat Chronicles
The Little Prince
The Haunting of Hill House
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
The Handmaid's Tale
•finished: 2024-10-05 07:00:00
“Everything that you're a part of. Your own story fills you.”
Alice in Wonderland
•finished: 2024-10-02 00:00:00
Journey with Alice down the rabbit hole into a world of wonder where oddities, logic and wordplay rule supreme. Encounter characters like the grinning Cheshire Cat who can vanish into thin air, the cryptic Mad Hatter who speaks in riddles and the harrowing Queen of Hearts obsessed with the phrase "Off with their heads!" This is a land where rules have no boundaries, eating mushrooms will make you grow or shrink, croquet is played with flamingos and hedgehogs, and exorbitant trials are held for the theft of tarts. Amidst these absurdities, Alice will have to find her own way home. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland began as a story told to three little girls in a rowboat, near Oxford. Ten year old Alice Liddell asked to have the story written down and two years later it was published with immediate success. Carroll's unique play on logic has undoubtedly led to its lasting appeal to adults, while remaining one of the most beloved children's tales of all time. Rating: ★★★☆☆
Comfort Woman: A Filipina's Story of Prostitution and Slavery under the Japanese Military
•last updated: 2024-10-04 17:24:02.275173
The Brothers Karamazov
Capitalism and Schizophrenia
The Ego and Its Own
Are Prisons Obsolete?
Goodbye, Vitamin
Variations on the Right to Remain Silent
Funny Story
Tokyo These Days
•last updated: 2024-09-24 01:17:09.688473
After 30 years as a manga editor, Kazuo Shiozawa suddenly quits. Although he feels early retirement is the only way to atone for his failures as an editor, the manga world isn't done with him. On his final day as an editor, Shiozawa takes a train he's ridden hundreds of times to impart some last advice to a manga creator whose work he used to edit. Later, he is drawn to return to a bookshop at the request of a junior editor who wants his help dealing with an incorrigible manga creator who used to be edited by Shiozawa and now refuses to work with anyone else. For Shiozawa, Tokyo these days is full of memory and is cocooned in the inescapable bonds among manga creators, their editors, art, and life itself.
How It Works Out
Little Rot
Wanderlust: A History of Walking
The Wretched of the Earth
Notes from Walnut Tree Farm
The Screaming Sky: In pursuit of swifts
The Celebrants
The Pairing
About Me
•last updated: 2024-09-17 06:26:27.031662
looking for recommendations for books on Southern Californian or PNW geology if you have any Some places to find me: - - -
It's Lonely At the Centre of the Earth
•finished: 2024-09-15 00:00:00
Cartoonist Zoe Thorogood records 6 months of her own life as it falls apart in a desperate attempt to put it back together again in the only way she knows how. IT'S LONELY AT THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH is an intimate and metanarrative look into the life of a selfish artist who must create for her own survival. Rating: ★★★★★
The Vegitarian
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
The Hole
Season of Migration to the North
Paradise Rot
The Sluts
•finished: 2024-08-26 07:00:00
Some quotes I liked: “I used to be so into trying to understand myself, but now I just want to do things, and not understand them.” "Everyone seems to want this to end in some logical way. I started this whole thing because I wanted to know and feel something important, and when I eventually realized it wouldn't happen with Brad, I gave up. Of course I knew Brad, and you didn't. Brad was just your idea, and I guess you think he's a great idea. He may be a great idea, but Brad himself is just a kid who got drafted into the job of representing an idea. Now Brad is just a name. You don't even know who it belongs to anymore. The point is, this is your story and your ending, not Brad's and mine. I used to wish our story would end something like this. Maybe I still wish it had, but it didn't and it won't." “You're getting pretty heavy on me, and I don't really have a problem with that, but the whole thing for me is that you love me, and if you don't anymore, then I don't know what the fuck to do. If you love me, I'll do fucking anything you want, don't you know that? I fucking swear. I don't know what you want me to say about your rules. I feel like I don't know what answers you expect, and I'm bad when I don't know what people want, because I always make the wrong decision.”
Anything That Moves
Envelope Poems
Sleepless Nights
The Colossus
Bad Behavior
The Secret History
Agua Viva
On Being Blue
Slow Days, Fast Company
The Brothers Karamazov
Notes of a Crocodile
I Fear My Pain Interests You
Time Is A Mother
Lie With Me
No One Belongs Here More Than You
My Loose Thread
Autobiography of Red
The Bell Jar
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
Call Me By Your Name
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Hypocrite
Heart of a Dog Book
Enigma Variations
It lasts forever then it’s over
This side of paradise
Waiting for Godot
Beyond and good and evil
Notes from a Dead House
We Wish to Inform you that Tomorrow we Will be Killed with our Families
•last updated: 2024-09-10 16:06:25.073140
The Apprenticeship of the Book of Pleasure
The Trial
Kafka on the Shore
A Room of One’s Own
Giovanni's Room
No Longer Human
Honeypot: Black Southern Women Who Love Women
•last updated: 2024-09-08 15:12:42.736419
Combining oral history with magical realism and poetry, Dr. EPJ explores the fictional, women-only world of Hymen, where he bears witness to the real-life stories of queer Black women throughout the American South.
the engine whisperers
In Pursuit of Zeta-3
Cursed Bread: A Novel
Strange Weather in Tokyo
The Narrow Road to the Interior
•last updated: 2024-09-01 11:52:16.029098
A collection of over thirty poems by American poet Kimiko Hahn in which she explores her various identities.
New Dark Age
•finished: 2024-08-31 00:00:00
We live in times of increasing inscrutability. Our news feeds are filled with unverified, unverifiable speculation, much of it automatically generated by anonymous software. As a result, we no longer understand what is happening around us. Underlying all of these trends is a single idea: the belief that quantitative data can provide a coherent model of the world, and the efficacy of computable information to provide us with ways of acting within it. Yet the sheer volume of information available to us today reveals less than we hope. Rather it heralds a new Dark Age: a world of ever-increasing incomprehension. In his brilliant new work, leading artist and writer James Bridle offers us a warning against the future in which the contemporary promise of a new technologically assisted enlightenment may just deliver its opposite: an age of complex uncertainty, predictive algorithms, surveillance, the hollowing out of empathy. Surveying the history of art, technology and information systems he reveals the dark clouds that gather over discussions of the digital sublime. Rating: ★★★★★
No Longer Human
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:14:25.561755
Plagued by a maddening anxiety, the terrible disconnect between his own concept of happiness and the joy of the rest of the world, Yozo Oba plays the clown in his dissolute life, holding up a mask for those around him as he spirals ever downward, locked arm-in-arm with death. Osamu Dazai’s immortal—and supposedly autobiographical—work of Japanese literature, is perfectly adapted here into a manga by Junji Ito. The imagery wrenches open the text of the novel one line at a time to sublimate Yozo’s mental landscape into something even more delicate and grotesque. This is the ultimate in art by Ito, proof that nothing can surpass the terror of the human psyche.
Cursed Bunny
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:14:19.256013
Cursed Bunny is unique and imaginative, blending horror, sci-fi, fairy tales, and speculative fiction into stories that defy categorization. By turns thought-provoking and stomach-turning, here monsters take the shapes of furry woodland creatures and danger lurks in unexpected corners of everyday apartment buildings. But in this unforgettable collection, translated by the acclaimed Anton Hur, Chung's absurd, haunting universe could be our own.
The Empathy Exams
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:13:59.380152
A collection of essays explores empathy, using topics ranging from street violence and incarceration to reality television and literary sentimentality to ask questions about people's understanding of and relationships with others.
The Mushroom at the End of the World
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:13:52.750092
Matsutake is the most valuable mushroom in the world-and a weed that grows in human-disturbed forests across the northern hemisphere. Through its ability to nurture trees, matsutake helps forests to grow in daunting places. It is also an edible delicacy in Japan, where it sometimes commands astronomical prices. In all its contradictions, matsutake offers insights into areas far beyond just mushrooms and addresses a crucial question: what manages to live in the ruins we have made? A tale of diversity within our damaged landscapes, The Mushroom at the End of the World follows one of the strangest commodity chains of our times to explore the unexpected corners of capitalism. Here, we witness the varied and peculiar worlds of matsutake commerce: the worlds of Japanese gourmets, capitalist traders, Hmong jungle fighters, industrial forests, Yi Chinese goat herders, Finnish nature guides, and more. These companions also lead us into fungal ecologies and forest histories to better understand the promise of cohabitation in a time of massive human destruction. By investigating one of the world's most sought-after fungi, The Mushroom at the End of the World presents an original examination into the relation between capitalist destruction and collaborative survival within multispecies landscapes, the prerequisite for continuing life on earth.
Against Technoableism
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:13:46.252265
A manifesto exploding what we think we know about disability, and arguing that disabled people are the real experts when it comes to technology and disability. When bioethicist and professor Ashley Shew became a self-described "hard-of-hearing chemo-brained amputee with Crohn's disease and tinnitus," there was no returning to "normal." Suddenly well-meaning people called her an "inspiration" while grocery shopping, or viewed her as a needy recipient of technological wizardry. Most disabled people don't want what the abled assume they want--nor are they generally asked. Why do abled people frame disability as an individual problem that calls for technological solutions, rather than a social one? In a warm, feisty, opinionated voice and vibrant prose, Shew shows how we can create better narratives and more accessible futures by drawing from the insights of the cross-disability community. For the future is surely disabled--whether through changing climate, new diseases, or even through space travel. It's time we looked closely at how we all think about disability technologies and learn to envision disabilities not as liabilities, but as skill sets enabling all of us to navigate a challenging world. A manifesto exploding what we think we know about disability, and arguing that disabled people are the real experts when it comes to technology and disability. When bioethicist and professor Ashley Shew became a self-described "hard-of-hearing chemo-brained amputee with Crohn's disease and tinnitus," there was no returning to "normal." Suddenly well-meaning people called her an "inspiration" while grocery shopping, or viewed her as a needy recipient of technological wizardry. Most disabled people don't want what the abled assume they want--nor are they generally asked. Why do abled people frame disability as an individual problem that calls for technological solutions, rather than a social one? In a warm, feisty, opinionated voice and vibrant prose, Shew shows how we can create better narratives and more accessible futures by drawing from the insights of the cross-disability community. For the future is surely disabled--whether through changing climate, new diseases, or even through space travel. It's time we looked closely at how we all think about disability technologies and learn to envision disabilities not as liabilities, but as skill sets enabling all of us to navigate a challenging world.
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:13:41.818084
Writing exercises and creativity advice from Lynda Barry's pioneering, life-changing workshop.
bp : beginnings
Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:13:27.197608
Mula sa kasumpa-sumpang kahirapan at kalunos-lunos na kaignorantehan sa mundong kanyang kinagisnan, namulat si Marie sa tunay na mukha ng matamis at mapapakasakit na pag-ibig. Ngunit makakayanan niya ba ang mga hamon ng bukas? Ano ang kanyang magiging kapalaran?
Noli Me Tángere
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:13:15.715205
Crisostomo Ibarra returns to the Philippines after studying in Europe for seven years. His father has died mysteriously and soon new obstacles appear to his marriage to childhood sweetheart Maria Clara... Noli Me Tangere reflects the society and incidents from the Philippines of Rizal's time, a country ruled by Spanish friars for over 300 years. As a result, many of the characters in the novel have now become woven into the culture. The publication of this book and its sequel El Filibusterismo, led to Asia's first nationalist revolution in 1896. However no writer paid a higher price for self-expression: the Spanish executed Rizal primarily for his writings. But for the same reason, Filipinos embraced him as their national hero.
State and Society in the Philippines
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:13:09.751705
People in the Philippines routinely vote, run for office, organize social movements, and call for good governance by the state. Why, then, is there a recurring state society dilemma in the Philippines? One horn of the dilemma is the persistent inability of the state to provide basic services, guarantee peace and order, and foster economic development. The other is Filipinos' equally enduring suspicion of a strong state. The idea of a strong republic evokes President Marcos's martial law regime of the 1970s and 1980s, which spawned two armed rebellions, cost thousands of lives in repression and billions of dollars in corruption, set the nation back years in economic development, and exacerbated suspicion of the state." "This dilemma stimulates thinking about the puzzle of state resilience. How has a "weak state" maintained the territorial integrity of the Philippines in the postwar period in the face of two major rebellions and an armed separatist movement, corruption, mismanagement, intractable poverty, weak sovereignty, and an often chaotic electoral system? Why does the inability to collect taxes, secure citizens' lives and property, and maintain economic infrastructure not result in state failure?" "State and Society in the Philippines engages the dilemma of state society relations through a historical treatment of state formation and the corresponding conflicts and collaborations between state leaders and social forces. It examines the long history of institutional state weakness in the Philippines and the efforts made to overcome the state's structural fragility and strengthen its bond with society. It answers these difficult questions by focusing on how the state has shaped and been shaped by its interaction with social forces, especially in the rituals of popular mobilization that have produced surprising and diverse results.
Darkness Visible
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:13:01.687076
The author chronicles his personal battles with severe depression, and offers help to others on how to overcome this disorder.
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:12:55.712158
Meiko Inoue is a recent college grad working as an office lady in a job she hates. Her boyfriend Shigeo is permanently crashing at her apartment because his job as a freelance illustrator doesn't pay enough for rent. And her parents in the country keep sending her boxes of veggies that just rot in her fridge. Straddling the line between her years as a student and the rest of her life, Meiko struggles with the feeling that she's just not cut out to be a part of the real world.
Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:12:50.332045
When you look up at the sky, what do you see? A blue sky? Freedom? A hopeful future? The people of Tokyo see none of these. Instead, an ominous alien mothership looms overhead, engulfing the city skyscape. Three years ago, they came. The arrival of the "Invaders" sparked the greatest war humanity had ever faced—one that threatened to end the world. The Japanese government scrambled to fight the Invaders. Weapons were mass-produced, sparking controversy and pacifist movements. That day, everything changed. And yet, nothing has changed. Kadode Koyama and Ouran Nakagawa live their final days like they always have: going to school, playing with friends, and doing what any carefree high school girl would do. As they grow up, they come to learn what it truly means to be an adult, in a world where adults seem to be demons who only deceive and destroy. They come to learn the real threat to humanity is not the Invaders, but humanity itself.
Goodbye, Things
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:12:34.612133
Fumio Sasaki is not an enlightened minimalism expert or organizing guru like Marie Kondo--he's just a regular guy who was stressed out and constantly comparing himself to others, until one day he decided to change his life by saying goodbye to everything he didn't absolutely need. The effects were remarkable: Sasaki gained true freedom, new focus, and a real sense of gratitude for everything around him. In Goodbye, Things Sasaki modestly shares his personal minimalist experience, offering specific tips on the minimizing process and revealing how the new minimalist movement can not only transform your space but truly enrich your life. The benefits of a minimalist life can be realized by anyone, and Sasaki's humble vision of true happiness will open your eyes to minimalism's potential.
Hiraeth: The End of the Journey
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:12:27.651050
Mika, a junior high student, is grieving the loss of her best friend and determined to reunite with her in death. However, her path collides with an unnamed god journeying to Yomi (the land of the dead) and their companion Hibino, an immortal man who is following the god in hopes of learning how to finally end his own life. Together, the three travel by motorbike to Shimane Prefecture, where the entrance to Yomi is said to be located.
The Columbia Anthology of Japanese Essays : Zuihitsu from the Tenth to the Twenty-First Century
•last updated: 2024-09-01 02:12:11.790506
A court lady of the Heian era, an early modern philologist, a Meiji-period novelist, and a physicist at Tokyo University. What do they have in common, besides being Japanese? They all wrote zuihitsu, a uniquely Japanese literary genre encompassing features of the nonfiction or personal essay and miscellaneous musings.
What You Are Looking For Is in the Library
The River of Consciousness
The Name of the Rose
The Song of Achilles
The Day of Creation
Less than One
Narziss and Goldmund
In Memory of Memory
The Tao of Pooh
Notes on Shapeshifting
North and South
Ways of Seeing
The Medici Effect
Glass Bead Game
Gift from the Sea
As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh
The Master and his Emissary
The Divided Self
The House on Moon Lake
Seer of Sevenwaters
The Creative Act
Philosopher of the Heart
The secret history
A Magical Girl Retires
•finished: 2024-08-24 00:00:00
A millennial turned magical girl must combat climate change and credit card debt in this delightful, witty, and wildly imaginative ode to magical girl manga. Twenty-nine, depressed, and drowning in credit card debt after losing her job during the pandemic, a millennial woman decides to end her troubles by jumping off Seoul's Mapo Bridge. But her suicide attempt is interrupted by a girl dressed all in white?her guardian angel. Ah Roa is a clairvoyant magical girl on a mission to find the greatest magical girl of all time. And our protagonist just may be that special someone. But the young woman's initial excitement turns to frustration when she learns being a magical girl in real life is much different than how it's portrayed in stories. It isn't just destiny?it's work. Magical girls go to job fairs, join trade unions, attend classes. And for this magical girl there are no special powers and no great perks, and despite being magical, she still battles with low self-esteem. Her magic wand . . . is a credit card?which she must use to defeat a terrifying threat that isn't a monster or an intergalactic war. It's global climate change. Because magical girls need to think about sustainability, too. Park Seolyeon reimagines classic fantasy tropes in a novel that explores real-world challenges that are both deeply personal and universal: the search for meaning and the desire to do good in a world that feels like it's ending. A fun, fast-paced, and enchanting narrative that sparkles thanks to award-nominated translator Anton Hur, A Magical Girl Retires reminds us that we are all magical girls?that fighting evil by moonlight and winning love by daylight can be anyone's game. Rating: ★★☆☆☆
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
•finished: 2024-08-25 04:00:00
A chilling short story of the last survivors of a post-apocalyptic world as they are endlessly tormented by a malevolent AI computer.
To Kill a Mockingbird
•last updated: 2024-08-25 00:12:05.868838
A young girl in the racially divided American South witnesses her father grapple with the harsh realities of prejudice and moral courage in her small town.
Becoming Yourself
•finished: 2024-08-24 04:00:00
Designed for survivors of ritualistic abuse and extreme conditioning, this book offers practical guidance on understanding symptoms, achieving stability, and healing by addressing dissociation, managing complex personality systems, and fostering inner cooperation. PDF:
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
•last updated: 2024-08-25 00:07:42.216819
A lyrical journey of a young Vietnamese-American's heartfelt letter to his mother, unraveling the complexities of family, identity, and trauma through a tapestry of memory and emotion.
American Chica
•finished: 2024-08-24 04:00:00
The captivating memoir of Marie Arana as she bridges her Peruvian heritage with her American upbringing, uncovering a rich tapestry of family, history, and self-discovery.
Hidden Figures
•finished: 2024-08-24 04:00:00
The untold story of the brilliant African American women mathematicians who played a crucial role in NASA's early space missions, overcoming racial and gender barriers to contribute to America's triumph in the Space Race.
Hell Followed With Us
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:31:04.137216
A trans teen, armed with extraordinary powers and a dark past, navigates a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by an extremist cult while confronting his religious trauma.
The Prodigies
•finished: 2024-08-24 04:00:00
A five-year-old genius with selective mutism and peculiar fainting spells is thrust into a secret academy for gifted children, where she navigates a harsh social hierarchy, fierce competition, and enigmatic disappearances.
Freedom is a Constant Struggle
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:14:53.659347
A powerful collection of essays and speeches that intertwine the global fight for racial justice, feminist liberation, and revolutionary change, from Palestine to Ferguson. PDF: *While I do provide a free PDF link, I encourage those of you who are interested in reading this to BUY THIS BOOK to support the author, if you are able.
Negroes With Guns
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:13:23.136902
A radical journey of challenging racial injustice through armed self-defense, revealing the powerful and controversial role of Black militancy in the fight for civil rights during the turbulent 1950s and 1960s. PDF:
Stone Butch Blues
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:13:15.530762
A genderqueer butch lesbian navigates the challenges of identity and acceptance in a turbulent post-World War II America. PDF:
Autistic and Black
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:12:30.378044
A powerful insight into the lives of Black autistic people. PDF: *While I do provide a free PDF link, I encourage those of you who are interested in reading this to BUY THIS BOOK to support the author, if you are able.
The Bell Jar
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:12:20.774306
A young woman finds herself sinking into a deep mental crisis, as her search for identity and purpose is overshadowed by the suffocating grip of depression.
Black Disability Politics
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:12:04.052019
An exploration of how issues of disability have been and continue to be central to Black activism from the 1970s to the present. PDF: *While I do provide a free PDF link, I encourage those of you who are interested in reading this to BUY THIS BOOK to support the author, if you are able.
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:05:27.410642
A pregnant teenager in Harlem—grappling with abuse, poverty, and illiteracy—embarks on a harrowing journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
The Metamorphosis
•last updated: 2024-08-24 21:02:59.898023
In this philosophical exploration of alienation, a traveling salesman awakens one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect.
Coping With Trauma-Related Dissociation
•last updated: 2024-08-24 20:26:53.286403
This patient-oriented manual for complex trauma survivors includes psychoeducation, homework sheets, and exercises that support inner communication and collaboration with dissociative parts of the personality. PDF:
The Alchemy of Wolves and Sheep
•last updated: 2024-08-24 20:17:58.378414
A relational approach to internalized perpetration in complex trauma survivors. PDF:
Notes of a Native Son
•last updated: 2024-08-24 20:16:47.902747
A collection of ten essays tackling issues of race in America and Europe. PDF:
Crime and Punishment
The Trial
The Annotated Turing
The Color Purple
•finished: 2023-08-23 04:00:00
A resilient African American woman in the early 20th-century American South overcomes decades of abuse and hardship through the transformative power of love, sisterhood, and self-discovery.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
•finished: 2024-08-23 04:00:00
The epic tale of the Buendía family over seven generations in the mythical town of Macondo, exploring themes of love, power, and destiny amid the backdrop of magical realism.
Their Eyes Were Watching God
•finished: 2024-08-23 04:00:00
A resilient Black woman embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as she navigates three tumultuous marriages and seeks her own voice and independence in the early 20th-century South.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
•finished: 2019-09-19 04:00:00
A socially awkward high school freshman navigates the trials of adolescence, mental health, and first love, while finding solace and self-discovery through a group of unconventional friends who help him embrace his true self.
Mr. Potter
•finished: 2024-08-16 00:00:00
Kazuhiko is a young, but already deeply wounded black ops agent of a baroque, retro-tech future-- is pulled out of retirement to escort Sue, a mysterious waif, to a destination she alone knows. Sue and Kazuhiko have never met, yet she knows him, having grown up since the age of four with her only human contact being two distant voices: that of her elderly 'grandma'-- Kazuhiko's commander, General Ko, and of Kazuhiko's dead girlfriend, the beautiful singer Ora. Sue has been kept in that cage all these years because of what she is, and what the Clover Leaf Project found her to be: a military top secret, and the most dangerous person in the world! Rating: ★★★☆☆
Klara and the Sun
A Tale of Two Cities
•last updated: 2024-08-18 04:25:31.261356
Welcome to Neo-Tokyo, built on the ashes of a Tokyo annihilated by a blast of unknown origin that triggered World War III. The lives of two streetwise teenage friends, Tetsuo and Kaneda, change forever when paranormal abilities begin to waken in Tetsuo, making him a target for a shadowy agency that will stop at nothing to prevent another catastrophe like the one that leveled Tokyo. At the core of the agency's motivation is a raw, all-consuming fear of an unthinkable, monstrous power known only as Akira.
Steal Like An Artist
My Body
The Marriage Plot
Trick Mirror
escape to an autumn pavement
Slippery Creatures
Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD
•finished: 2024-08-08 00:00:00 Rating: ★★★★☆
Silk, Silver, Spices, Slaves
•last updated: 2024-08-08 15:18:59.180247
A country’s history is like a jigsaw puzzle. The bigger picture of how a country and its people came to be can be pieced together through multiple narratives, perspectives, and stories. In Silk, Silver, Spices, Slaves, Lio Mangubat reaches back into the depths of colonial archives and brings to life long-lost stories that would otherwise have been footnotes in Philippine history.
The Message
Reimagining Design Unlocking Strategic Innovation
Harriet Tubman Portrait of an American Hero
Night Flyer
Processes of Decolonization
Parable of the Sower
Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970-1979
•last updated: 2024-08-05 07:04:38.752386
Edition: 2004 Duke University Press eISBN: 978-0-8223-8511-0
The Complete Fear of Kathy Acker
•finished: 2024-07-03 22:00:00
Edition: 2023 Semiotext(e) ISBN: 978-1-63590-185-6
Designing Your Life
The Drifting Classroom
•last updated: 2024-08-03 22:48:03.504279
Out of nowhere, an entire school vanishes, leaving nothing but a hole in the ground. While parents mourn and authorities investigate, the students and teachers find themselves not dead but stranded in a terrifying wasteland where they must fight to survive.
trans girl suicide museum
none of the above
one hundred years of solitude
The Left Hand of Darkness
Null Magical Girl Vol. 1-3
The Three Body Problem
Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc. 1
•finished: 2024-07-21 00:00:00
There's never a dull day at the office when you're a magical girl! Are you looking for something new? Something challenging? Something very highly paid? Exterminating monsters is an exciting, fast-paced field that will get you out from behind a desk and into the action. With over 500 magical girl companies now in operation, you're sure to find a position--and a uniform--that fits. Start your career as a magical girl today! Kana Sakuragi is an excellent candidate for the job. Any job! She's motivated and organized, and has a fantastic memory. So why has she interviewed at over 15 companies without receiving a single offer? She's trying to keep a positive attitude, but it seems like her bad luck is only getting worse when a monster crashes her latest interview. As havoc ensues, she finds herself helping the magical girl who comes to their rescue and ends up with more than just her life in return. Meet the newest magical girl at Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.! Rating: ★★★☆☆
Cat-Eyed Boy
•last updated: 2024-07-26 17:17:56.127777
Kazuo Umezz’s classic collection of horror stories featuring a strange cat-eyed boy, shunned by humans and demons alike.
Hello Tokyo
•finished: 2024-07-24 21:33:24.857791
Presents a series of handicraft projects that create Japanese-inspired items, including notebooks, charm bracelets, party decorations, gift wrapping, napkins, planters, and collage magnets. Rating: ★★★☆☆
Neo-Nihilism : The Philosophy of Power
Ahrimanic Yoga : Kundalini & Luciferian Magick
Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls
The Fraternitas Saturni: History, Doctrine, and Rituals of the Magical Order of the Brotherhood of Saturn
•finished: 2024-07-24 19:08:00.137778
The Little Prince
•finished: 2024-07-22 00:00:00
An aviator whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert encounters a little prince from a small planet who relates his adventures in seeking the secret of what is important in life. Rating: ★★★★★
A Fist Made and Then Un-Made
Firekeeper's Daughter
The Sun Also Rises
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Hours
The Waves
The Meaning of Anxiety
The Life of Tu Fu
Hermit in Paris
•finished: 2022-06-30 00:00:00
In a distant future where sentient humanoid robots pass for human, someone or something is out to destroy the seven great robots of the world. Europol's top detective Gesicht is assigned to investigate these mysterious robot serial murders-the only catch is that he himself is one of the seven targets. Rating: ★★★★★
•last updated: 2024-07-06 12:15:06.327568
A collection of six short stories per volume that revolve around a chain of people. Dropped.
The Metamorphosis
Existential Physics
Algorithms to Live By
Computers: The Life Story of a Technology
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
Sinkhole: Three Crimes
The Mushroom at the End of the World
Why Are We ‘Artists'? 100 World Art Manifestos
•last updated: 2024-07-04 19:20:14.465639
Art is not a luxury. Art is a basic social need to which everyone has a right'. This extraordinary collection of 100 artists' manifestos from across the globe over the last 100 years brings together activists, post-colonialists, surrealists, socialists, nihilists and a host of other voices. From the Negritude movement in Africa and Martinique to Brazil's Mud/Meat Sewer Manifesto, from Iraqi modernism to Australia's Cyberfeminist Manifesto, they are by turns personal, political, utopian, angry, sublime and revolutionary. Some have not been published in English before; some were written in climates of censorship and brutality; some contain visions of a future still on the horizon. What unites them is the belief that art can change the world.
The Velveteen Rabbit
•finished: 2024-04-07 04:00:00
Chronicles the story of a stuffed rabbit's desire to become real through the love of his owner. Rating: ★★★★★
The Woman Next Door
•finished: 2023-07-30 00:00:00
A collection of late-period Yoshiharu Tsuge stories, originally published 1981-1985. Rating: ★★★★★
Innocent Rouge
•finished: 2024-07-01 04:00:00
The eve of the French revolution, 1772: The eldest brother of the Sanson family, Charles-Henri, has grown as an executioner, while his sister Marie-Joseph has been living freely in Versailles. But then Marie-Joseph's first love, a man named Alain, is killed by aristocrats. The histories of innocents plunges into the arc of the crimson revolution, Rouge. Rating: ★★★★★
•finished: 2024-06-30 00:00:00
In the 18th century, seeking "freedom and equality," the event that became the starting point of modern French society, the French Revolution, began. There was one more protagonist that lived within the darkness, Charles-Henri Sanson. He was the fourth generation family head of the Sanson family, and the executioner of Paris. This is the story of him nobly facing his harsh fate... Rating: ★★★★★
Western Lane
Billy Bat
•finished: 2024-06-30 19:23:33.260459
Billy Bat is a comic-in-a-comic and the real protagonist is a Japanese-American artist named Kevin Yamagata who draws Billy Bat for “Marble Comics”. Shortly after they transition to the artist in his studio with his assistant, two actual detectives, who look like Laurel and Hardy in Dick Tracy era suits and trench coats, knock on the door and appropriate Kevin’s room for the purpose of conducting surveillance on a room in an adjacent building. One of the detectives, the skinny “Laurel”, sees Kevin’s work and it turns out he’s a Billy Bat fan. The other chubby “Hardy” detective picks up a page and says that the characters look familiar and accuses Kevin of translating an old “Jap” comic. As Hardy remembers the comic he thinks Kevin is ripping off, we make another Urasawaesque time jump to 1949 Tokyo. Rating: ★★★★★
Rules For A Knight
•last updated: 2024-06-29 20:00:31.873597
It is 1483, and Sir Thomas Lemuel Hawke, a Cornish knight, is about to ride into battle. On the eve of his departure, he composes a letter to his four young children, consisting of twenty virtues that provide instruction on how to live a noble life, and on all the lessons, large and small, that he might have imparted to them himself were he not expecting to die on the battlefield. "Why am I alive? Where was I before I was born? What will happen to me when I die? Whatever well our lives are drawn from, it is deep, wild, mysterious, and unknowable ... "Rules for a Knight is many things: a code of ethics; an intimate record of a lifelong quest; a careful recounting of a knight's hardest won lessons, deepest aspirations, and most richly instructive failures; and an artifact, a relic of a father's exquisite love. Drawing on the ancient teachings of Eastern and Western philosophy and religion, on literature, and poetry, and on the great spiritual and political writings of our time, Ethan Hawke has written a parable that--in the story of a young man's journey toward a life of authenticity and meaning--captures the instinctive movement of the heart toward truth and beauty.
Some People Need Killing
•last updated: 2024-06-29 20:00:21.686335
My job is to go to places where people die. I pack my bags, talk to the survivors, write my stories, then go home to wait for the next catastrophe. I don't wait very long.' Journalist Patricia Evangelista came of age in the aftermath of a street revolution that forged a new future for the Philippines. Three decades later, in the face of mounting inequality, the nation discovered the fragility of its democratic institutions under the regime of strongman Rodrigo Duterte. Some People Need Killing is Evangelista's meticulously reported and deeply human chronicle of the Philippines' drug war and Duterte's assault on the country's struggling democracy. For six years, Evangelista had the distinctive beat of chronicling the killings carried out by police and vigilantes in the name of Duterte's war on drugs - a war that has led to the slaughter of thousands - immersing herself in the world of killers and survivors and capturing the atmosphere of fear created when an elected president decides that some lives are worth less than others.
The Book of Tokyo
•last updated: 2024-06-29 20:00:17.151308
A shape-shifter arrives at Tokyo harbour in human form, set to embark on an unstoppable rampage through the city’s train network… A young woman is accompanied home one night by a reclusive student, and finds herself lured into a flat full of eerie Egyptian artefacts… A man suspects his young wife’s obsession with picnicking every weekend in the city’s parks hides a darker motive… At first, Tokyo appears in these stories as it does to many outsiders: a city of bewildering scale, awe-inspiring modernity, peculiar rules, unknowable secrets and, to some extent, danger. Characters observe their fellow citizens from afar, hesitant to stray from their daily routines to engage with them. But Tokyo being the city it is, random encounters inevitably take place – a naïve book collector, mistaken for a French speaker, is drawn into a world he never knew existed; a woman seeking psychiatric help finds herself in a taxi with an older man wanting to share his own peculiar revelations; a depressed divorcee accepts an unexpected lunch invitation to try Thai food for the very first time… The result in each story is a small but crucial change in perspective, a sampling of the unexpected yet simple pleasure of other people’s company. As one character puts it, ‘The world is full of delicious things, you know.’
Waking the Dead and Other Stories
•last updated: 2024-06-29 19:54:16.597363
A shadow falls. A shape in the window. A sound at the door. The dead have risen. This book collects ten short stories of horror, tragedy and the things in between from the terrifying imagination of award-winning fictionist Yvette Tan. Are you ready to wake the dead?
Perfect Chemistry
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
The Goldfinch
The earth is online
The Six of Crows Duology
Blockchain Chicken Farm
Introduction to Graph Theory
Cows in the Maze: And Other Mathematical Explorations
Math Hysteria: Fun and Games with Mathematics
Reverse Mathematics: Proofs from the Inside Out
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity
•last updated: 2024-06-26 20:25:35.286987
The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of Zero
•finished: 2023-01-28 00:00:00
another favorite. my grandpa gave this book to me years ago (he was a theoretical physicist). i've long loved mathematics, but this book added a whole new layer of appreciation of the field for me
•finished: 2022-07-28 07:00:00
one of my all-time favorites. read it for the first time when i was a sophomore in high school; have re-read it many times
The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography
•finished: 2024-01-07 08:00:00
a book i like to revisit often. i've loved puzzles and codes for as long as i can remember, and there's some fascinating societal/historical context and implications underlying the field of cryptography
Chances Are
How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism
How the Internet Happened
The Fire Next Time
Sigh, Gone
Poverty. by America
•last updated: 2024-06-25 18:59:30.398959
heard a lot of good things about this one
Grokking Simplicity
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
The Poe Clan
•finished: 2022-12-22 00:00:00
The Poe Clan: a race of "vampirnellas" who feed on the energy of the living, whiling away the centuries in a village of roses where time and geography have no meaning. A brother and sister, Edgar and Marybelle, are initiated into the clan too young and, unless a wooden stake or a silver bullet should lead to their demise, are doomed to live for eternity. Rating: ★★★★★
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
They Were Eleven
•finished: 2022-12-29 00:00:00
Ten young space cadets are put onto a decommissioned spaceship as their final test. If they pass this test, their lifelong dreams of being valued people in their respective societies will come true. Their orders are to survive as long as they can with what they have. Once they arrive at the ship, they find that their crew has gained an eleventh member—and no one can remember the original lineup well enough to recognize which of them is the newcomer. As the days pass, the eleven cadets must deal with their suspicions of each other as well as the sudden knowledge that the spaceship is in a decaying orbit around a star, which is causing the temperature on the ship to rise. With this rise in temperature, a sickness begins to spread among the crew as they work to stabilize their orbit and determine who among them is the spy. Rating: ★★★★☆
Blood on the Tracks
•last updated: 2024-06-25 15:19:11.818487
Seiichi Osabe is a shy middle school student living a relatively ordinary life. His mother, Seiko, is considered overprotective of him by others, although Seiichi is comfortable with the love and care from his mother and does not feel anything strange about her behavior. One day, Seiichi goes on a family hiking trip with his parents and paternal family. At one point, Seiichi's cousin, Shigeru, jokingly pushes Seiichi near a cliff edge, leading Seiko to quickly grab hold of Seiichi, protecting him from falling. The rest of the family starts laughing at Seiko over her "overprotective" act. A while later, Seiichi and Shigeru go to a higher cliff edge, and when Shigeru is on the cliff edge, Seiko, who was following them, approaches her nephew and pushes him off the cliff, giving a brief smile to her son. After the incident, where Shigeru is left in a comatose state and Seiichi was the only witness of what happened, he begins to discover how dangerous his mother's affection can become, and what follows is a series of events in which Seiichi's everyday life becomes a horror living under the disturbing protection of his own mother. Dropped.
•finished: 2024-06-22 00:00:00
Aiza has always dreamt of becoming a Knight. It's the highest military honor in the once-great Bayt-Sajji Empire, and as a member of the subjugated Ornu people, Knighthood is her only path to full citizenship. Ravaged by famine and mounting tensions, Bayt-Sajji finds itself on the brink of war once again, so Aiza can finally enlist in the competitive Squire training program. It's not how she imagined it, though. Aiza must navigate new friendships, rivalries, and rigorous training under the unyielding General Hende, all while hiding her Ornu background. As the pressure mounts, Aiza realizes that the "greater good" that Bayt-Sajji's military promises might not include her, and that the recruits might be in greater danger than she ever imagined. In this breathtaking and timely story, Aiza will have to choose, once and for all: loyalty to her heart and heritage, or loyalty to the Empire. Rating: ★★★★★
Space Ship EE
•finished: 2024-06-16 00:00:00
The first manga book by artist Aya Takano. She has taken the same creative approach as she does to her paintings, that is, to integrate the realm of extreme Sci-Fi imagination with the tiny gems she's found in her daily life. The narrative is inspired by the artist's own experiences where she struggled to come in terms with her daytime jobs, and those people who 'looked' against her. A Japanese girl called Noshi, or Takano herself portrayed as the protagonist, follows her desire to reach the stars in a stolen spacecraft until she gets lost and rescued by a traveling object called Spaceship EE. The ship carried thousands of war refugees from a colony planet traveling for 300 years in search of their home planet. She joined the passengers and was soon assigned to fight a real war instead of the battles in arcade games she used to be unbeatably good at on the earth. Rating: ★★★☆☆
20th Century Boys
•finished: 2022-12-21 00:00:00
Humanity, having faced extinction at the end of the 20th century, would not have entered the new millennium if it weren't for them. In 1969, during their youth, they created a symbol. In 1997, as the coming disaster slowly starts to unfold, that symbol returns. This is the story of a gang of boys who try to save the world. Rating: ★★★★★
A Poetry Handbook
It Chooses You
Chainsaw Man
Las Aventuras de Tintín
Yotsuba &!
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Shinji Ikari Raising Project
•last updated: 2024-06-21 15:18:21.791170
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Academic Record of Heaven's Descent
•last updated: 2024-06-21 15:17:23.839537
Networks Without A Cause
Women in Clothes
Radical Technologies
Meander, Spiral, Explode
Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto
Defending a Place in the City: Localities and the Struggle for Urban Land in Metro Manila
•last updated: 2024-06-21 15:09:20.033631
The Quartet of the Tiger Moon
The Philippines Is Not A Small Country
The Right To Maim
There Is No Right Way to Meditate
•finished: 2024-06-18 12:21:52.764633
Take a moment and breathe. With Yumi's uplifting guidance, you will dig deeper into your soul to discover the tranquility already surrounding you. In There Is No Right Way to Meditate, award-winning artist Yumi Sakugawa helps you tap into your inner self and finally find the peace that you've been seeking. Rating: ★★★★★
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
•finished: 2024-06-18 00:00:00
Fumi Oono, second-year high-school student. Stuck with the debts of her father, she needs a job—fast. While she did indeed manage to find one as a housekeeper for THE Akatsuki Kibikino, it leaves much to be desired. After all, the novelist has a mean glare and an even worse attitude...And on top of that, she has to live with him?! Rating: ★★★☆☆
Brown Skin, White Minds
The Patchwork City
The Conjugal Dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos
•last updated: 2024-06-18 09:44:22.707635
Under Bright Lights: Gay Manila and the Global Scene
•last updated: 2024-06-18 09:43:22.328417
Beauty Regimes
Warrior of the Light
•finished: 2024-06-18 00:00:00
A collection of philosophical stories and observations invites readers to live out dreams, embrace the uncertainty of life, and rise to a personal destiny. Rating: ★★★★★
The New Life
Movement: How to Take Back Our Streets and Transform Our Lives
•last updated: 2024-06-17 20:09:27.112349
The High Cost of Free Parking
Street Fight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution
Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, and Resistance
•last updated: 2024-06-17 20:07:39.223786
Gentrifier: A Memoir
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
•last updated: 2024-06-17 20:06:17.385405
Feminist City: Claiming Space in a Man-made World
Rental Person Who Does Nothing
•finished: 2024-06-16 00:00:00
Shoji Morimoto was constantly being told that he was a 'do-nothing' because he lacked initiative. Dispirited and unemployed, it occurred to him that if he was so good at doing nothing, perhaps he could turn it into a business. And with one tweet, he began his business of renting himself out to do nothing. Morimoto, aka Rental Person, provides a fascinating service to the lonely and socially anxious. Sitting with a client undergoing surgery, accompanying a newly-divorced client to her favorite restaurant, visiting the site of a client's suicide attempt are just a few of his thousands of true life adventures. He is dependable, non-judgmental and committed to remaining a stranger and the curious encounters he shares are revelatory about both Japanese society and human psychology. In Rental Person Who Does Nothing, Morimoto chronicles his extraordinary experiences in his unique line of work and reflects on how we consider relationships, jobs and family in our search for meaningful connection and purpose in life. Rating: ★★★☆☆
The Alchemist
The Wren, The Wren
•last updated: 2024-06-15 05:38:10.722005
Author: Anne Enright Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts:
The Will of the Many
My Suicide
•finished: 2022-12-26 00:00:00
Henri Roorda – a Swiss anarchist, math teacher, and columnist – shot himself in 1925, but left behind this essay, which examines his life and philosophy of “joyful pessimism.” In this baleful, little-known treatise, Henri Roorda presents debt and boredom in a world of capital as “his reasons for going,” and he dissects these motivations with such astuteness that his anatomy of himself and his perceived failures becomes spellbinding. My Suicide is both melancholy and humorous, political and deeply personal – a meditation on unfulfilled desires and the “uselessness of old age.” Rating: ★★★☆☆
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories
•last updated: 2024-06-14 16:38:03.912507
This mesmerizing collection features all of Ken’s award-winning and award-finalist stories, including: “The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary” (Finalist for the Hugo, Nebula, and Theodore Sturgeon Awards), “Mono No Aware” (Hugo Award winner), “The Waves” (Nebula Award finalist), “The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species” (Nebula and Sturgeon award finalists), “All the Flavors” (Nebula award finalist), “The Litigation Master and the Monkey King” (Nebula Award finalist), and the most awarded story in the genre’s history, “The Paper Menagerie” (The only story to win the Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards).
•last updated: 2024-06-14 16:35:41.962005
An alias is an assumed identity. In Aliasing the narration of fiction shifts like the weave of a binakul blanket, and the reader is confronted by a procession of simulacra that might be misunderstood as an alternative history of the Philippines. There are no falsehoods here since representation precedes and determines the real. The northern whirlpool weave that provides the novel with its title has been used to confuse evil spirits and protect its wearer while asleep. Almost traditional stories are woven into a post-history covering everyone from Macabebe Marie (the Mata Hari of Manila) to the Catholic mystic Emma de Guzman (known to followers as the Mother of Love, Peace and Joy). Reflecting the hybrid nature of our contemporary world, Aliasing reconfigures our understanding of who we are as a twice-told tall tale from the South…
Touching from a Distance: Ian Curtis and Joy Division
•last updated: 2024-06-14 16:34:58.582125
Revered by his peers and idolised by his fans, Ian Curtis left behind a legacy rich in artistic genius. But although mesmerising on stage, in his private life he was introverted and had desperate mood swings. Here, his widow pieces together why — despite his impending international fame and young family— Curtis took his own life on 18 May 1980.
Hit Parade of Tears
•last updated: 2024-06-14 16:34:00.209643
Izumi Suzuki had ideas about doing things differently, ideas that paid little attention to the laws of physics, or the laws of the land. In this new collection, her skewed imagination distorts and enhances some of the classic concepts of science fiction and fantasy.
You Are Not A Rock
•last updated: 2024-06-14 16:33:32.311045
A prescriptive and positive guide, illustrated with line drawings, making the case that mental well-being, like physical health, can be strengthened over time and with specific techniques. We all want to feel less anxiety, guilt, anger and sadness. We want to obsess less and be less lonely, free ourselves from our demons, compulsive habits, and stress. But as humans (unlike rocks) we experience all of these. And paradoxically, trying to avoid and control them only makes things worse. Having struggled with serious mental illness for many years himself, Mark Freeman has become a dedicated mental-health advocate and coach. He makes the case that instead of trying to feel less and avoid pain and stress, we need to build emotional fitness, especially our capacity for strength, balance and focus. With wit, compassion and depth of experience and anecdotes, he shows that we can recover from many mental disorders, from mild to very serious, at all ages and stages of life, and even if other methods have failed. Freeman's innovative approach makes use of a range of therapeutic techniques, mindfulness training, peer support, humor and common sense.
Waiting For the Enemy
•last updated: 2024-06-14 16:26:43.583499
Personal account, by a Filipino reserve officer (University of the Philippines Reserve Officer Training Corps) assigned to the 88th Field Artillery (Philippine Scouts), just after the outbreak of the war.
The End of the Moment We Had
•finished: 2024-06-14 00:00:00
On the eve of the Iraq War, a man and a woman meet in a nightclub in Tokyo. They go to a love hotel, and spend the next five days in a torrid affair. Written in a stream of consciousness, with the reader's perceptions shifting and melting into one another, what is remarkable in this story is not what happens, but the ability of the writer to enter the minds and memories of the protagonists. In the second story, a woman living in a damp flat obsesses on the filthy state of her dwelling. She remains in bed for the duration of the narrative, but the drama and tension of her inner life - spiralling further and further into her memories and anxieties… Rating: ★★★☆☆
How Do You Live?
•last updated: 2024-06-14 11:43:35.939802
The streets of Tokyo swarm below fifteen-year-old Copper as he gazes out into the city of his childhood. Struck by the thought of the infinite people whose lives play out alongside his own, he begins to wonder, how do you live? Considering life's biggest questions for the first time after the death of his father, Copper turns to his dear uncle for heart-warming wisdom. As the old man guides the boy on a journey of philosophical discovery, a timeless tale unfolds, offering a poignant reflection on what it means to be human. But when Copper betrays one of his new friends, how will he ask for forgiveness — and how can he forgive himself? How Do You Live? is the inspiring, transformative story of a young man who, like his namesake Copernicus, looks to the stars and uses his discoveries to answer the question of what kind of person he will grow up to be.
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On
•finished: 2022-12-22 00:00:00
Many have called our time dystopian. But The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On reminds us that apocalypse has already come in myriad ways for marginalized peoples. With lyric and tonal dexterity, these poems spin backwards and forwards in time—from Korean comfort women during World War II, to the precipice of climate crisis, to children wandering a museum in the future. They explore narrative distances and queer linearity, investigating on microscopic scales before soaring towards the universal. Wrestling with the griefs and distances of this apocalyptic world, Choi also imagines what togetherness--between Black and Asian and other marginalized communities, between living organisms, between children of calamity and conquest—could look like. Rating: ★★★★☆
Floating, Brilliant, Gone
•finished: 2022-12-22 00:00:00
Beginning in loss and ending in reflective elation, Floating, Brilliant, Gone explores life as a brief impossibility, "infinite / until it isn't." Rating: ★★★★★
PTSD Radio
•finished: 2022-12-29 00:00:00
Carried into modern Japan from a forgotten past, the being known as Ogushi haunts and tortures humans of all kinds. Little is know about Ogushi's curse, except that it resides in an unexpected place: human hair. PTSD Radio takes something everyday and weaves it into a series of chilling, cryptic, twisted, repellant, and alluring manga stories that become more than what they first seem. Rating: ★★★★★
I Want to Die But I Want to Eat Tteokbokki
•finished: 2022-12-29 00:00:00
Baek Sehee is a successful young social media director at a publishing house when she begins seeing a psychiatrist about her - what to call it? - depression? She feels persistently low, anxious, endlessly self-doubting, but also highly judgmental of others. She hides her feelings well at work and with friends; adept at performing the calmness, even ease, her lifestyle demands. The effort is exhausting, overwhelming, and keeps her from forming deep relationships. This can't be normal. But if she's so hopeless, why can she always summon a desire for her favourite street food, the hot, spicy rice cake, tteokbokki? Is this just what life is like? Recording her dialogues with her psychiatrist over a 12-week period, Baek begins to disentangle the feedback loops, knee-jerk reactions and harmful behaviours that keep her locked in a cycle of self-abuse. Rating: ★★★☆☆
Convenience Store Woman
•finished: 2022-12-22 00:00:00
This is the story of Tokyo sales clerk Keiko Furukura. Keiko is an unusual person. She's someone who has never fit in - but when she takes a job at Smile Mart, she finally finds peace and purpose in her daily tasks. But there is also huge pressure on Keiko - to pursue a "real" career, to find a husband - and she feels forced to take desperate action in order to please the people around her. Is there room in this "normal" world for someone as strange as Keiko? Rating: ★★★☆☆
Soft Science
•finished: 2022-12-22 00:00:00
Soft Science explores queer, Asian American femininity. A series of Turing Test-inspired poems grounds its exploration of questions not just of identity, but of consciousness — how to be tender and feeling and still survive a violent world filled with artificial intelligence and automation. We are dropped straight into the tangled intersections of technology, violence, erasure, agency, gender, and loneliness. Rating: ★★★★★
All the Lovers in the Night
•finished: 2022-08-23 00:00:00
Fuyuko Irie is a freelance copy editor in her mid-thirties. Working and living alone in a city where it is not easy to form new relationships, she has little regular contact with anyone other than her editor, Hijiri, a woman of the same age but with a very different disposition. When Fuyoku stops one day on a Tokyo street and notices her reflection in a storefront window, what she sees is a drab, awkward, and spiritless woman who has lacked the strength to change her life and decides to do something about it. As the long overdue change occurs, however, painful episodes from Fuyuko's past surface and her behavior slips further and further beyond the pale. All the Lovers in the Night is acute and insightful, entertaining and engaging; it will make readers laugh, and it will make them cry, but it will also remind them, as only the best books do, that sometimes the pain is worth it. Rating: ★★★☆☆
•last updated: 2024-06-14 11:29:12.615053
Sometimes designed objects reject their users: a computer mouse that doesn't work for left-handed people, for example, or a touchscreen payment system that only works for people who read English phrases, have 20/20 vision, and use a credit card. Something as simple as color choices can render a product unusable for millions. These mismatches are the building blocks of exclusion. In Mismatch, Kat Holmes describes how design can lead to exclusion, and how design can also remedy exclusion.
•last updated: 2024-06-14 11:26:10.256219
A novel about a Korean American woman living in Berlin whose obsession with a K-pop idol sends her to Seoul on a journey of literary self-destruction.
The Woman in the Purple Skirt
•finished: 2022-08-23 00:00:00
A bestselling, prizewinning novel of obsession and psychological intrigue about two enigmatic unmarried women, one of whom manipulates the other from afar, by one of Japan's most acclaimed young writers. Rating: ★★★☆☆
My Alcoholic Escape From Reality
My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness
•finished: 2022-06-26 00:00:00
The heart-rending autobiographical manga that's taken the internet by storm! My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness is an honest and heartfelt look at one young woman's exploration of her sexuality, mental well-being, and growing up in our modern age. Told using expressive artwork that invokes both laughter and tears, this moving and highly entertaining single volume depicts not only the artist's burgeoning sexuality, but many other personal aspects of her life that will resonate with readers. Rating: ★★★★★
•finished: 2022-03-27 00:00:00
The soul of the deceased narrator, cleansed of all its memories of its past life, is heading toward the darkness when it suddenly encounters an angel. 'Congratulations!' the angel exclaims. 'You're the winner of our lottery! You're being given a second chance!' The next thing it knows, the soul is back on earth, occupying the body of fifteen-year-old Makoto who is planning to poison himself. Makoto is friendless, and his family shows him little love. Unable to feel affection for the people around him, he spends his time drawing or playing cards with the angel. But when it comes to discussions of which high school he should go to, Makoto is surprised to realize that his family and his teachers genuinely care about him. He has words with the angel: 'I want to give back Makoto's family the real Makoto.' The angel agrees, but on one condition: the soul has to remember his original mistake. 'Look around you,' adds the angel. 'There are clues everywhere.' Eventually, the soul remembers: he killed someone. And the person he killed? Himself, which is to say, Makoto Kobayashi…" Rating: ★★★★★
Breasts and Eggs
•finished: 2022-05-22 00:00:00
Breasts and Eggs paints a portrait of contemporary womanhood in Japan and recounts the intimate journeys of three women as they confront oppressive mores and their own uncertainties on the road to finding peace and futures they can truly call their own. It tells the story of three women: the thirty-year-old Natsu, her older sister, Makiko, and Makiko's daughter, Midoriko. Makiko has traveled to Tokyo in search of an affordable breast enhancement procedure. She is accompanied by Midoriko, who has recently grown silent, finding herself unable to voice the vague yet overwhelming pressures associated with growing up. Her silence proves a catalyst for each woman to confront her fears and frustrations. On another hot summer's day ten years later, Natsu, on a journey back to her native city, struggles with her own indeterminate identity as she confronts anxieties about growing old alone and childless. Rating: ★★★★★
Goodnight Punpun
•last updated: 2024-06-14 01:41:05.122112
A Japanese manga about Onodera Punpun, a normal child depicted in the form of a bird. The story follows him as he copes with his dysfunctional family and friends, his love interest, his oncoming adolescence and his hyperactive mind. Dropped.
•finished: 2023-12-29 00:00:00
A bold foray into new literary territory, Kawakami's novel is told in the voice of a 14-year-old student subjected to relentless torment for having a lazy eye. Instead of resisting, the boy chooses to suffer in complete resignation. The only person who understands what he is going through is a female classmate who suffers similar treatment at the hands of her tormentors. These raw and realistic portrayals of bullying are counterbalanced by textured exposition of the philosophical and religious debates concerning violence to which the weak are subjected. Rating: ★★★★★
I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You
•finished: 2024-05-28 00:00:00
Through a confessional letter, comic book artist Yumi Sakugawa illustrates the deep, however platonic, nature of friend-love. Rating: ★★★★★
Ms Ice Sandwich
•finished: 2024-05-16 00:00:00
A young boy returns obsessively to a supermarket sandwich counter, entranced by the beauty of the woman who works there. Her aloof demeanour and electric blue eyelids make him feel the most intense joy he's ever known. He calls her Ms Ice Sandwich, and he wants nothing more than to spend his days watching her coolly slip sandwiches into bags. But life keeps getting in the way -- there's his beloved grandmother's illness, and a faltering friendship with his classmate Tutti, who she invites him into her private world. Wry, intimate and wonderfully skewed, Ms Ice Sandwich is a poignant depiction of the naivety and wisdom of youth, just as it is passing… Rating: ★★★★☆
Phantom Thief Jeanne
•finished: 2024-06-13 00:00:00
High school student Maron Kusakabe has a secret: she's Phantom Thief Jeanne. She sneaks into private art collections to steal paintings in which demons reside. Jeanne's task is to seal the demons before they can devour human hearts. So far she's been able to evade the police on her midnight outings, but now another thief has come onto the scene—Phantom Thief Sinbad— and he's trying to take the paintings before she does! Rating: ★★☆☆☆
Wise Man's Fear
The Timeless Way of Building
A Pattern Language
Notes On Self-Care For Creative Humans
A little Life
The Color of Law
•finished: 2024-06-03 00:00:00
format: kindle rating: 5/5 thoughts: this may be my favorite book i’ve ever read. I wanted to rip out my eyes, my throat. my feet and stomach were ablaze and I am learning to swallow and digest the weight of being a human. my body is hollow and is yearning to be filled. this book is so special, nothing short of a miracle, and I will forever be changed.
The Collected Stories of Jessica Zafra
The Secret History
the death and life of great american cities
Rest is Resistance
Tokyo Ueno Station
Atomic Habits
Beautiful World, Where Are You
The Hidden Life of Trees
Sea of Tranquility
the medium is the message
eternal echoes
be here, now
house of flame and shadow
paradise rot
the power of now
homesick for another world
•finished: 2024-05-27 18:22:03.562883
this might be because i'm high functioning in every mental health issue i've been diagnosed (which isn't a badge of honor, it's a crutch). but sadness can be beautiful and beauty can come out of sadness, if you allow yourself to see that call to transmute your innerworld into some body of work. bluets is proof of that. probably one of my favorite books i've read this year, thus far.
order without design: how markets shape cities
happy city
human transit: how clearer thinking about public transit can enrich our communities and our lives
•last updated: 2024-05-27 05:54:41.641362
the power broker
the image of the city
design of cities
walkable city: how downtown can save america, one step at a time
•last updated: 2024-05-27 05:47:53.693928
the color of law: a forgotten history of how our government segregated america
•last updated: 2024-05-27 05:45:49.761024
Name of the Wind
Four Thousand Weeks
Four Thousand Weeks
Just Mercy
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
•finished: 2023-10-15 07:00:00
Author: Grace Paley Format: Paperback Rating: 4.5/5 Thoughts: Incredibly chewy writing, her characters are so volatile and horrible and raw. I loved this collection following several abstract story lines.
Doctor Zhivago
Radical Candor
La Storia
Lies and Sorcery
The Tartar Steppe
The Moon and the Bonfires
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
Family Lexicon
Christ Stopped at Eboli
Invisible Cities
Arturo’s Island
Our Ancestors
The Day of the Owl
The Conformist
Duchamp Is My Lawyer: The Polemics, Pragmatics, and Poetics of UbuWeb
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
Incredible book, that I loved, about the history of UbuWeb, its raison d'etre, legal framework, and a section and description of picks from the collection. Deeply inspiring. Best book I have read in a long time.
After the Revolution
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
You know, on the one hand I got dropped into the action and enjoyed the speculative post-USA civil war narrative. I also liked the burner-ish body-mod cyborg people. On the other hand, I do not enjoy reading about death and war and continual battle descriptions. It's a little like The Matrix or something, so yes, it'll probably turn into a TV miniseries at some point. B-
Pirate Enlightenment, or the Real Libertalia
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
Though this is a 'pleasure topic' this was not at all a pleasure read for me. Despite its 'novella' size it too was something of a slog, though not on the scale of the Dawn of Everything. These academic anarchists certainly match their academic kin for heaviness of their texts. Not a conversational book. The point is that pirates, themselves largely non-authoritarian despite the appearance of fierce leadership in stories or during times of battle, settled and married in to local Malagasy culture. Their wives, themselves political intentional political actors seeking influence by being insider-outsiders, their offspring, and the communities that formed favored conversation and various forms of relatively non-authoritarian rule. That about sums it up. The book goes through the details, largely through speculation. It posits this period as being an important but less-acknowledged part of the project of 'The Enlightenment' and then sends us on our way. Okay. Somewhat interesting. I wish it had been 20 pages instead of 150, but there you go.
The Drowned World
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
I found this one on a walk in Red Hook on my birthday with Amelia. It turns out this is Ballard's first novel, and I really enjoyed it. It tells the story of a future Earth where global warming has caused the ice caps to melt (so it seems) and most of Earth is plunged under water. The main character Robert Kerans is a biologist with a small team who has been studying the plants and animals that have flourished as the human population has fled or died. It's unclear if most humans have left for another planet (I believe so). Earth is continuing to get too hot, and most days the temperature is in the 130s to 150s, and at night it's a barely tolerable 90 degrees, usually with air conditioning able to get it down to 80. The main character, his lover and much of the crew appears to be affected by the conditions, and they seem to regress into more primitive brainspace, almost a psychedelic or muted affect. They resist leaving when the crew is ordered to evacuate. Soon an evil captain, almost a pirate really, arrives with his picaresque crew, looting the place, and alternately intrigued by and resentful of Kerans and his compatriots. I was glued to the page as I wanted to learn what would happen, all the twists and turns. A unique post-climate-collapse apocalyptic story, highly recommended.
Bike Lanes Are White Lanes
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
An important indictment of mainstream urban bicycle advocacy as practiced favors upwardly mobile white lifestyle riders while excluding POC and/or poorer riders. The author does a good job explaining her values, and walks through three case studies of bicycle advocay or programs and how they intersect with racial and class dynamics. It shows why communities of color experiencing gentrification could tie bicycle advocacy work to those same forces. The chapter on solutions and possibilities at the end is by far the shortest, and hopefully other books and projects could take off where this one ends. I am thankful the TSNR ride is such a diverse ride, and thinking through what I've learned from this book and how it is reflected in the makeup and leadership of that group.
The Abolition of Work
Against the Written Word: Toward a Universal Illiteracy
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
I love the tone and little funny colophon type stuff like the refusal to have an author description and there's a warning instead of an intro. It's a collection of shorter essays and public talks and even a play of sorts, or two. OVerall this was not nearly as fun as the first Psychic Soviet book. But a few shorter chapters were great. I definitely laughed a few times while reading on the subway.
How to Build a Low-Tech Internet?
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
A paper version of the inspirational web-blog/'journal.' I've really enjoyed reading it online, and I get some of the flavor of that, and have been able to read on the train and outdoors in the park for example, but the design other than the cover is really bland. In fact, I thought it was a template export, maybe with Latex or somesuch, but hee hee hee, I looked at the colophon just to verify and it was actually 'designed!' by several folks. They should have let the cover design person design the internals, or just used a template! I'm going on and on, but I did enjoy this, even if I've prevously read some of the material online before. It's a useful reference. The title is a question mark, and true to form, they don't answer it but just pose questions.
Graffiti on No or Low Dollars
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
Surely a most bizarre pseudonym for one of the most bizarre road diaries I've ever read. Disjointed, hitchihiking and driving, non-linear I mean. Salty, told by a drug user ne'ver-do-well. A better version of On The Road. Some of the short chapters are just divine. Inspired writing. I can't believe it's so minimally self-published. Incredible stuff. One of the best books I've ever lucked into reading. I'll re-visit this one every few years.
The Stranger in the Woods
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
A fascinating book that I'm glad I read, though I also felt bad for Chris Knight. This person persisted, even when it was clear Chris wanted to be left alone. He's never quite able to penetrate Chris's mind, though he tries. I felt particularly incensed by the court decision forcing him to show up weekly, do drug/alcohol tests, and think they should have accepted a fine and let him go and maybe he could have gone back into the woods rather than live depressed in the society he had tried to escape. This is the story of the forced socialization of a man that wanted to live outside of society, and that is truly sad.
Every Man For Himself and God Against All
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
I picked this up a few weeks ago, got it signed by Werner Herzog himself! I was the last in the line when he spoke at Pioneerworks. The book is a bit all over the place, and Werner is pompous, but it does cover his entire life, his ideas, values, how he works, and is inspiring. He's one of my favorite creators. He's really a poet, as he says. What I took away from this is his "hard work" is just continually putting in the time. Like a lot of my other favorites, he has just made an extraordinary amount of material: films, operas mostly. And some books. An inspiring book about living a creative life.
Pink Noises
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
Great collection of short stories by Dick. Some only mild interesting but others contain whole worlds, ecosystems, movie plots, series and much larger narratives. Favorites include the horror story The Father-Thing about a child that realizes his dad has been eaten and replaced by an alien; The Last of the Masters, about a roving band in an anarchist society looking for old machinery to destroy lest it leads to warring with the robots again; Pay for the Printer, about a society with living almost-3d-printers that keep a reliant society going through recreating past objects and technology even as its members have lost the knowledge of the basics of constructing anything by hand. There are other favorites here like We will Remember it for you Wholesale (Total Recall) and The Minority Report. Recommended.
Terraform: Watch/Worlds/Burn
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
A large anthology of science fiction, speculative fiction and farcical stories of the near future. The ones that were too farcical grated on me, insulted my intelligence, but many others were quite good, conveying whole complex worlds in short stories only a couple pages long. Because the stories are so short, they are packed in, and when I loved a short story I quickly moved on to another that might be bland or humorless and found myself forgetting earlier ones. I felt like I should take more detailed notes of the whole book. Overall, some real gems here and I'd definitely recommend it especially for someone that reads in lots of spurts, before bed, while traveling, etc. The other thing I liked is that it's almost all writers I didn't know previously.
The Philip K. Dick Reader
Moby Dick
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
I loved the queer storyline with Queequeg. I found the language exciting, strange, compelling - especially in the beginning of the book. The LibriVox reader made th e language more exciting as well. I loved his pronunciation of "harponeers" and his voicing of Captain Ahab inspired. But I found the book dragging in places, especially in the middle. And the end is so sudden! Right when we finally meet the whale. The story of the white whale's pursuit by Ahab is not nearly as interesting without the specific language and experimentation of the book. "The first modern novel." I want to read a tale from Queequeg's experience.
Dungeon Hacks
•finished: 2024-05-17 04:00:00
I've read this before but I'm working on a roguelike again myself, this time trying to complete a medium size one, and I'm reading this for inspiration the last week of school. I enjoy the tales of the languages, approaches and early "open source" university computing culture.
Dawn (Lilith's Brood)
A Gentleman in Moscow
The World for Sale: Money, Power, and the Traders Who Barter the Earth's Resources
•last updated: 2024-05-16 01:42:34.433999
nath's recc
The Rise of Kyoshi
Selected Cronicas
Lonesome Dove
Bitter Water Opera
The Overstory
Experience and Nature
The Song of the Cell
Theory of Knowledge
I am a Strange Loop
Academic Ableism
Sitting Pretty
The Prophets
The Visible Unseen
Lost in Work
Astrology and the Authentic Self
Illness as Metaphor
Now is Not the Time to Panic
Fight Night
Single on Purpose
The Deep Places
Dept of Speculation
Pure Colour
Radical Wholeness
Tender Points
Wired for Love
Pain Woman Takes Your Keys
The Employees
The Hole
Spy of the First Person
Big Swiss
The Song of Our Scars
Notes from Underground
Know Your Endo
Be Not Afraid of Love
The Art of Loving
The Doctor Will See You Now
Rest is Resistance
Saving Time
Being Mortal
The Eden Project
The Friend
How Should a Person Be?
The Argonauts
Sea of Tranquility
Against Creativity
The Undying
Healing the Soul
Arrangements in Blue
Planets in Transit
Body Work
In the Dream House
Head Above Water
Carnal Acts
Brilliant Imperfection
On Being Ill
Care Work
Who is Wellness For?
Conquer Chiari
Natural Causes
Witches, Midwives, and Nurses
Trick Mirror
Between Two Kingdoms
Having and Being Had
How to be a Patient
Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice
Geometry of Grief
Heal Pelvic Pain
The Lady’s Handbook for her Mysterious Illness
On Immunity
Nickel and Dimed
Cost of Living
Mistreated: Why We Think We're Getting Good Health Care -- and Why We're Usually Wrong
•finished: 2024-04-26 03:18:25.341710
A History of Present Illness
Four Thousand Weeks
The Creative Act
Atomic Habits
The Social Transformation of American Medicine
The Meaning of Illness
The Other Within
The Absent Body
Limits to Medicine
The Principles of Narrative Medicine
The Birth of the Clinic
Ninth House
Mysteries of the Dark Moon
Cosmos and Psyche
The Crucified God
Meditations on the Tarot
Holistic Tarot
Free Play
Tao of Physics
Kafka on the Shore
On the Genealogy of Morals
The Body in Pain
Theory of Bloom
Madness and Civilization
Civilization and its Discontents
The Efficiency Paradox
Blood and Guts
Tender is the Flesh
The Body Silent
No One is Talking About This
The Novelist
The Writing Life
How to Write an Autobiographical Novel
The Maniac
Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind
The Cult of Creativity
The Presence of Absence
A Heart That Works
The Function of Reason
Leg: The Story of a Limb and the Boy Who Grew from It
Alphabetical Diaries
Every Patient Tells a Story
This is Going to Hurt
Imaging and Imagining Illness
Recovery: The Lost Art of Convalescence
How Doctors Think
God Human Animal Machine
One Hundred Years of Solitude
City of Quartz
The Years
A People's History of the United States
A People's History of the World
The Sense of Style
A Lover's Discourse
An Apprenticeship or the Book of Pleasures
The Invention of Sicily
Pattern Recognition
The Secret Life of Bees
About Harry Towns
A Wizard of Earthsea
The Song of Achilles
Silo: book 3
law school
The Cancer Journals
A Field Guide to Getting Lost
Against Method
Zero at the Bone
The Utopia of Rules
JJ 123
Testing 123
Ideas and Integrities
Funny Weather: Art in an Emergency
The Politics of Design: A (Not So) Global Design Manual for Visual Communication
•last updated: 2024-04-19 21:08:51.608222
Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto
The Poppy War
•finished: 2024-03-11 07:00:00
Fantasy story clearly taking place in a proxy for China fending off an invasion from an island state (Japan) pretty graphic in some cases where it mirrors the japanese occupation and genocide during ww2 compelling writing, the first half is a coming of age going to school story and the second half is just ,, war fantasy elements are interesting but maybe a little half baked? a weird hybrid of real history with fake nation states and magic for RF Kuang preferred babel
A Gentleman in Moscow
The Shadow of Kyoshi
American Negra: A Memoir
Warrior Cats; A Vision of Shadows
Warrior Cats: Dawn of the Clans
Nothing to See Here
Firekeeper's Daughter
The Song of Achilles
The Dreaming 3
The Dreaming 2
The Dreaming 1
The Legacy of Yangchen
The Dawn of Yangchen
Small Things Like These
•finished: 2024-03-24 07:00:00
Beautiful short understated Irish novella (can be read in a few hours) about a busy father taking care of tasks in a small town as christmas approaches. Manages to do the wonderful thing fiction sometimes does where you feel the weight of nostalgia for a specific life despite never experiencing it. on the edge of too sentimental but i don’t think it broke the spell recommend
The Policy and Politics of Highway Expansions
•finished: 2024-03-20 07:00:00
•finished: 2024-02-26 08:00:00
Really enjoyed this light fantasy book the conceit is very fun and clever - magic is found in the distance between the translations of words - that things indescribable become tangible and carry their own energy. wizards are etymologists. the book is also clever to set itself in england, and treat the power of language as another extracted colonial good. students from other countries are prized because they are naturally multilingual but still suffer at the hands of a monoethnic racist society - these students are the main characters of the book story is long but tight, the point is clear, compelling world, good characters, recommend
Sea of Tranquility
•finished: 2024-03-16 07:00:00
A pretty short light sci-fi that takes place skipping through time as various characters interact with a small strange break in reality i loved the first half, the prose is compelling, and it slowly builds questions about characters and fragments of their lives. the second half of the book then step-by-step answers those questions very literally (a detective looking for clues) which for me it broke most of the inertia i was feeling as a reader? i think still a recommend but largely got worse for me the closer i got to the end felt very classic who dun it where the reveal is the least interesting, or cheapest, part of the story it’s also the first fiction book that i’ve read that acknowledges covid (briefly leaning very hard into a “wow we’re all staying home now and it’s weird!” segment that didn’t really land for me)
•finished: 2024-01-13 08:00:00
Tale of the world in 8 plagues This is a book about how plagues have influenced and driven different stages of human history. for example how christianity’s popularity was a direct response to multiple plagues rocking the roman empire interesting but not totally compelling, definitely eurocentric first audiobook i've actually finished! roman bathhouses were filthy
The Ministry for the Future
•finished: 2024-03-23 07:00:00
Not completely in love but very fascinated by this book that peers into the very near future and fictionalizes how the world will respond to climate change. Brutal in the costs of inaction (massive heatwaves, storms, etc), but also cautiously optimistic about how the world can work together to solve the massive problem of climate change. It's also honest in sourcing the root of the problems to capitalism, and fictionalizes alternative models that rise up in the models of co-ops, socialism, etc. The book strikes a weird balance where it can feel grounded and realistic in the options to address climate change but then can sometimes cross over into feeling like the author writing fan fiction about potential solutions to current problems. Wikipedia gives this quote as partial inspo for the book: "it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism" so maybe that discomfort or disbelief around massive structural change is the point! at the end of the day one of the more hopeful books i’ve read
The Debt to Pleasure
Kitchen Confidential
•finished: 2024-01-04 08:00:00
by Tahar Ben Jelloun a short read picked up without much consideration in a bookstore - follows a young moroccan migrant worker in france living isolated and longing days in a busy city poetic and haunting. want to read more things transportive and undiagnosable like this
She who became the sun
The Secret History
The Devotion of Suspect X
•last updated: 2024-03-18 16:14:11.750307
lise’s favorite mystery novel
Cadillac Desert
•finished: 2022-11-02 07:00:00
by Marc Reisner maybe the best book i’ve read this year despite some sections that dragged - just absolutely essential reading on the water crisis in the western US. come for the story of how LA stole water from central california stay for the unending subsidization of farmers emptying aquifers to grow crops in the desert
•finished: None
history of air pollution in LA and how policy, people, scientists responded to it. I guess grateful our reoccurring 150 aqi doesn't smell like sulfur? also interesting how early there was scientific consensus the root cause was cars (1950s) and all he way in 2022 it's still true!
New York 2140
The Crying of Lot 49
•finished: 2022-04-03 07:00:00
by Thomas Pynchon Short but incredibly dense, paranoid, funny? SoCal a la developer monopolies, secret societies, defense industry conglomerates, greasy motels, and semi-faux european history. A quick fever dream of a book, recommend
All My Mother’s Lovers
Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology
•last updated: 2024-03-13 03:47:18.745494
the classic Bott & Tu
The Hidden Life of Trees
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
•finished: 2024-02-16 00:00:00
Author: RF Kuang Format: Physical/Kindle Rating: Thoughts:
This is How You Lose the Time War
Heart of Darkness
•finished: 2024-02-09 08:00:00
Author: RF Kuang Format: Audiobook Rating: 4/5 Thoughts:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Skunk Works
Lectures on Supersymmetry
•finished: 2024-01-09 06:02:19.438681
D. Tong's lectures on supersymmetry
Anne of Avonlea
•finished: 2024-01-03 08:00:00
Author: LM Montgomery Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts:
The Quantum Theory of Fields: Vol II
•last updated: 2023-12-28 18:42:53.029293
Second volume of Weinberg's texts on quantum field theory, covering modern topics relating to nonabelian gauge theory, symmetry breaking, and topological configurations
Loop Spaces, Characteristic Classes, and Geometric Quantization
•last updated: 2023-12-28 18:40:57.464302
J. L. Brylinski An attempt at formulating an equivalent Chern-Weil theory for gerbe bundles
The Night Circus
•finished: 2023-12-03 00:00:00
Author: Erin Morgenstern Format: Paperback Rating: 3.5/5 Thoughts: The pacing was a bit slow and it was mostly vibes with little plot but it was enjoyable and unlike any other book i’ve read before.
Anne of Green Gables
•finished: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
Author: L.M. Montgomery Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts:
How to Hide an Empire
The Rose Code
Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
•last updated: 2023-11-04 04:18:00.983360
Natural Beauty
House in the Cerulean Sea
•finished: 2023-10-30 00:00:00
Author: TJ Klune Format: paperback Rating4.5/5 Thoughts: SO SWEET SO CUTE I laughed and teared up a bunch. these kids were written so well and it was just such a sweet story.
Everything Now: Lessons from the City-State of Los Angeles
•last updated: 2023-10-17 17:12:25.543146
Author: Rosecrans Baldwin Format: Paperback Rating: Thoughts:
No Shortcuts
•last updated: 2023-09-30 21:09:20.696707
a good book for any modern organizing - olga
Nickel Boys
Bliss Montage
•finished: 2023-09-13 22:17:34.453791
Author: Ling Ma Format: Audiobook Rating: 4.5/5 Thoughts: A collection of stories. This was so surreal. It felt like all of these stories took place in a fever dream. I really enjoyed the brutality of so many of these. The mild body horror, the fantasy and the bizarre. I really enjoyed this one.
•finished: 2023-09-12 07:00:00
by Joma West super super weird and unsettling dystopian scifi. touching other people is forbidden, keeping up your face (persona) is the only thing that matters - you mustn't ever show what or how you are truly feeling, for that could influence your social standing. menials aka indentured servants/enslaved people who aren't allowed to talk to their owners are considered subhuman. babies are designed exactly how their parents want them to be and are created by surrogate or beaker. parallels to today's society are obvious. many queer undertones to this book that i can't help but wonder if i made up, since i can't find anything about these queer references in the reviews of this book. the ending threw me for a loop. liked the idea of the book but not so much the execution - many unanswered questions and i wanted to know so much more about the characters but instead was met with the same scene from different pov time and time again. saw a review call this disorienting - agreed. maybe like a 3/5.
Little Women
After I Do
The Crying of Lot 49
•finished: 2023-09-06 00:00:00
Author: Thomas Pynchon Format: Paperback Rating: I have no fucking clue Thoughts: literally no thoughts. I fully believe men claiming they love this book/love pynchon are all just circle jerking with other male manipulator men
Tokyo Ueno Station
Mother Thing
•last updated: 2023-09-06 14:10:47.713493
Author: Ainslie Hogarth DNF I couldn't stand the audiobook narrator -- I will try reading this in a physical copy
The Year of Magical Thinking
In the Kitchen
•finished: 2023-09-03 00:00:00
by jared diamond first half was an interesting telling of historical societal collapses (maya, nordic colonists, easter island, etc.) which is why i picked up the book- second half was comparing it to contemporary places like montana and australia which felt a bit out of date and honestly just dragged. veered a little too close to ecofascism at the end (our problems all come back to population ://) also why was there a chapter apologizing
D. Tong - Lectures on Gauge Theory
•finished: None
Lectures on advanced topics in quantum field theory by David Tong, including Yang-Mills theory, anomalies, and topological features of QFTs.
Forever, Interrupted
A Room with a View
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Hot Stew
Gatsby's Girl
Fair Play
Too Much Life
•last updated: 2023-08-18 14:10:06.117998
Author: Clarice Lispector I love my girl but this was an audiobook anthology and I didn't want to read a bunch of her work like that
The Henna Artist
•finished: 2023-08-17 07:00:00
Author: Alka Joshi Format: Audiobook Rating: 4.3/5 Thoughts:
Applied Conformal Field Theory
•finished: None
Ginsparg's lectures on CFT
Under an Outlaw Moon
I'm Glad My Mom Died
•finished: 2023-08-09 21:46:37.380492
Author: Jennette McCurdy Format: Audiobook Rating: 5/5 Thoughts:
The Flames
•finished: 2022-11-08 00:00:00
really loved some of this but other parts def felt their age. “the internet … I hear that’s exciting now” the morality of how to use broken enigma codes, U-boat adventures, maths, learning about what email was like in the 90s, komodo dragons ~ all fun stuff! Also lots of jokes! but then you'll just stumble into a chapter with huge neck beard energy or a random black-face scene and just like ???? yikes ? this book was so so long please just cut the bad stuff also big sad for Neal to write a book constantly referencing 'crypto' in 1999 (cryptography) and me trying to read it in 2022 lol
Curvature and Characteristic Classes
•finished: 2023-08-01 20:27:11.575791
Great little book by J. Dupont for learning Chern-Weil theory
Girl, Woman, Other
The Grace Year
This is How You Lose the Time War
After Sappho
Life Worth Living
•last updated: 2023-07-25 18:22:00.358085
Author: Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts: Sounded like it was going to be heavy on Christianity
•last updated: 2023-07-25 18:21:07.740874
Author: P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts:
The School of Good Mothers
•last updated: 2023-07-25 16:17:19.069270
Author: Jessamine Chan Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts:
Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls
Tender is the Flesh
Happy Place
Algebraic Topology
Carrie Soto is Back
Silo: book 3
Silo: book 2
Silo: book 1
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
•last updated: 2023-07-07 16:09:39.504609
Author: Haruki Murakami Format: paperback Rating: Thoughts:
Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister
•last updated: 2023-07-07 16:08:44.331436
Author: Anne Choma Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts: Got 15% through but lost interest
Where I Was From
More than my fair share of it all.
•finished: 2023-07-05 07:00:00
Excellent autobiography by Kelly Johnson.
Get Out of Your Head
•last updated: 2023-06-29 16:02:16.306235
Author: Jennie Allen Format: Audiobook Rating: Thoughts: Okay I am 1% through this audiobook and it's just SO God heavy I cannot listen to this woman talk any LONGER!
Black Swans
The Rape of Nanking
Central Places
The True Meaning of Smekday
Geometry, Topology, and Physics
•finished: None
M. Nakahara Applications of topological and geometric structures to topics in quantum field theory and string theory
The Insufferable Guacho
This is How You Lose the Time War
•finished: 2023-05-17 07:00:00
author: david sedaris format: audiobook rating: 4.5/5 thoughts:
City of Quartz
•finished: 2022-07-01 07:00:00
By Mike Davis One of the most important books written about LA
The Dispossessed
•finished: 2023-05-13 07:00:00
by Ursula K Le Guin. about a guy who exiles himself from his anarcho-communist moon to preach revolution on a planet with a capitalist system of government. some of it hit, some of it felt outdated/reductive (written in the 1970s) - would have loved to spend more time on Anarres - a compelling harsh environment with a workers society constantly doubting and reaffirming it's way of life.
Worlds of Exile and Illusion
•finished: 2022-04-12 07:00:00
3 books by Ursa K Le Guin each book about the intersection of humans across technology gaps. Dealing with colonialism and tribalism. Storytelling is solid but imo Le Guin really shines as a world builder creating complex and specific societies across different human species Rocannon’s world Planet of Exile City of Illusions
The Library Book
•finished: 2023-05-10 07:00:00
Author: Susan Orlean Format: audiobook Rating: 3.8/5 Thoughts:
Meet Us by the Roaring Sea
Daisy Jones & The Six
•finished: 2023-05-05 00:00:00
Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid Format: audiobook Rating: 4.5/5
Queer Body Power
•finished: 2023-04-19 00:00:00
Author: Essie Dennis Format: audiobook Rating: 4/5 Thoughts:
•finished: 2023-04-14 00:00:00
Author: Tara Westover Format: audiobook Rating: 5/5 Thoughts: batshit
Elvis and Me
•finished: 2023-04-06 00:00:00
Author: Priscilla Presley Format: audiobook Rating: 3.5/5
Diary of a Void
•finished: 2023-04-04 00:00:00
Author: Emi Yagi Format: audiobook Rating: 2.5/5
Nine Perfect Strangers
•finished: 2023-03-24 00:00:00
Author: Liane Moriarty Format: audiobook Rating: 3.5/5
The Sun Does Shine
•finished: 2023-03-17 00:00:00
Author: Anthony Ray Hinton Format: audiobook Rating: 5/5 Thoughts: This book was so good and soul crushing. Hearing the perspective of Ray from Ray after listening to Just Mercy was so painful. Both Bryan and Ray really did the most they could for each other. All we have at the end of the day is love and community and hopefully justice.
Big Little Lies
•finished: 2023-03-15 07:00:00
Author: Lianne Moriarty Format: audiobooks Rating: 3.8/5 Thoughts: a bit confusing at the start but fun suspense/whodunnit/what will happen energy
American Dirt
•finished: 2023-03-06 00:00:00
Author: Jeanine Cummins Format: audiobook Rating: 4.5/5
Adnan’s Story
•finished: 2023-02-22 00:00:00
Author: Rabia Chaudry Format: audiobook Rating: 5/5
In Order to Live
Where the Crawdads Sing
Trick Mirror
Don’t Sit on My Bed in Your Outside Clothes
Know My Name
•finished: 2023-02-06 08:00:00
Author: Chanel Miller Format: audiobook rating: 4/5 Thoughts:
Just Mercy
•finished: 2023-01-26 08:00:00
Author: Bryan Stevenson Format: Audiobook Rating: 5/5 Thoughts:
The Wife Between Us
The Secret Life of Groceries
Talking as Fast as I Can
The Death of Aztec Tenochtitlan, the Life of Mexico City
•last updated: 2023-05-05 16:00:59.989169
An Apprenticeship or the Book of Pleasures
•finished: 2023-01-12 00:00:00
by Clarice Lispector beautiful prose, Lispector is such a joy to read. every sentence floats and feels so specifically human. story about a young teacher in brazil existing and longing and falling in love, wish it was more of her wanderings and thoughts and much less of the annoying man who she fancies
All About Love
The Ninth Series
The Alphabet Abecedarium
Union Station: 75 Years in the Heart of LA
•finished: 2023-03-23 00:00:00
a collection of essays solicited by LA Metro to celebrate Union Station's 75th anni in 2014 (built in 1939) loved! all of the essays were unique and some i was much more fond of than others. fascinating and devastating overview of station origins - built over the og chinatown, displacing everyone..... union is a relic i love, but with dark spots marring its grandeur...sounds about right for historic buildings...sigh
Sleepaway Girls
•finished: 2023-03-22 00:00:00
by Jen Calonita another nostalgic YA reread.....straight teenage romance that my heart yearn for true love (back then and somehow also this time around) the plot is pretty predictable; "average" but pretty girl at a sleepaway camp with a bitchy nemesis and two guys, one good and one bad, interested in her....wonder who she chooses hmmm
Quantum Information is Physical
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
John McGreevy's notes on quantum information theory
Black Boy Smile
•finished: 2023-03-14 00:00:00
by D. Watkins a memoir about growing up as a Black boy in East Baltimore, hardened because Black boys and men are taught that to show pain or feelings is weakness i love the way in which Watkins writes - casual and colloquial, able to draw his audience in, vividly paints a picture one with a happy ending -- Watkins has a family (this book is dedicated to his baby daughter) and is working on his healing journey tw for just about everything, especially sexual assault, murder, drugs
Trading Faces
•finished: 2023-03-18 00:00:00
by Julia DeVillers and Jennifer Roy a reread from childhood where twin sisters pretend to be each other in their first couple weeks of middle school. cheesy, dramatic, cringe, fun, makes you wish you had a twin sister so you could experience this, too. focuses on desires to be smart, cool, and popular, as most teenagers want to be lol i love revisiting books from my past - the nostalgia is strong with this one nothing to do with the actual words but i love that the book is pink and yellow, such a hot color scheme
January Fifteenth
•finished: 2023-01-21 00:00:00
set in a future america, this book follows the narratives of four women across the states as they collect their universal basic income on "oobi day" super interesting premise but was not well executed left a lot to the imagination, which was intentional but not my favorite choice...lacked depth quick and easy read but wouldn't do it again nor recommend also horrible plot twist near the end that left me stunned for like five min tw/cw: suicide, domestic violence, cult
•finished: 2023-01-15 00:00:00
by Emi Nietfeld soooooo GOOD ahhHHH many, many feelings - pain definitely at the top of the list. i love the way emi writes, her dark humor, her story telling ability, her introspection -- which enabled me to reflect on my own thoughts and behaviors emi has both a hoarder mom, who does not realize she is mentally ill, and an absentee (also mentally ill) trans parent. emi's adolescence and young adulthood are mired in homelessness and mental illness and she sees college aka success as her way out. one of many lessons learned is that success does not erase the past nor the pain that has shaped a person... this book will wreck you but it's worth it tw/cw: rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, eating disorders
I Cried to Dream Again: Trafficking, Murder, and Deliverance
•finished: 2023-03-08 00:00:00
by Sara Kruzan and Cori Thomas requires every god damn trigger warning in the book Kruzan was raped and groomed as a child, killed her pimp, and sentenced to life in prison without parole as a 16 year old 1) i loathe men 2) this is probably not a book you want to read - it will make you cry and be sick several times 3) abolition now overall maybe a 7/10 - i am able to get through memoirs quickly but of course the subject matter made this an upsetting read....lower rating mostly due to book slowing down after first 1/3 + Kruzan is a motivational speaker vs an author + general vibes
The 39 Clues: One False Note
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Gordan Korman #2 in The 39 Clues series This book and series heavily remind me of the National Treasure movies and I'm forever fascinated by how they're able to piece together the context and clues. Mozart? I couldn't tell you anything about him except his name. Also had to google what a harpsichord is. I KNOW it's fake but, man, I wish I had that much history knowledge and that strong of an ability to use context clues + critically think. Then again, I'm reading more in part to build on those two skills...
The Death Cure
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by James Dashner #3 in The Maze Runner series {Trilogy} even more depressing and upsetting than #2 thought many times how disturbed sci-fi authors must be to dream up their content thomas experienced so much loss and pain and i truly would not have wanted to make it out alive if i were him also the ending....finally time to breathe, but will he really be able to since he is effectively traumatized for life? mm
Fork in the Road
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Denis Hamill well before 20 pages in, it was VERY evident that this book was written by a dude. yes i get it women have BREASTS that they feed babies from and guys have COCKS that they do nasty things with was fully prepared to get rid of this book but stuck with it and fell in love with it aspiring filmmaker colin coyne's relationship with irish traveler gina furey is intriguing and exciting but soon boils into toxicity beyond repair there is no way out and the story is incredibly sad for that + other reasons also i RLY want to know more about irish travelers
The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Rick Riordan #1 in The 39 Clues series Another childhood reread Perhaps I am out of touch with reality but kids/young adult sci fi/adventure books seem so gory and violent! The sibling pair in this book and series are nearly murdered several times and are constantly on the look out for their lives. This book is a suspenseful page turner where the underdogs - as annoying as they may be at times - become the reader's heroes as they search for 39 clues, the crux of which will result in possible world domination...tbd. The kids are wafting their way through the real world to find the clues, while they must also navigate the identity crises and grief in their own minds. Idk how they're doing so much. Relieved to report that are not actually 39 books in this series, thank god.
Sarah's Key
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Tatiana de Rosnay Holocaust-centered i watched the movie a few years back and remembered the main (depressing) events so i guess i didn't expect to be blown away by the book but it was good! i liked the past vs present back n forth and the descriptions/writing style one thing i question is whether the main character's desperation to find the person she is researching is indicative of some kind of savior complex...especially since finding that person would only force them to relive their trauma and that's not it hmm..conflicted
The 39 Clues: The Sword Thief
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Peter Lerangis #3 in The 39 Clues series
The Scorch Trials
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by James Dashner #2 in The Maze Runner series {Trilogy} even more depressing and upsetting than #1 also hate how much im into the teresa and tom vs brenda and thomas storylines
A Child Called It
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Dave Pelzer obviously depressing Dave and others paint his narrative of horrific child abuse as inspiring but it is just sad and infuriating i remember being mind blown after reading this in middle school but after reading it again as an adult, i got rid of the book...that should tell you all you need to know
The Maze Runner
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by James Dashner #1 in The Maze Runner series {Trilogy} read #1 and only #1 in high school and thought it was SO good reread at 23 and wow this book is dystopian asf, but man the action + novelty + desire to see thomas escape the maze sucked me in (also thomas and teresa?? give me MORE)
Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Father Greg Boyle (G), Founder of Homeboy Industries Faith-based but you don't need to be a believer to take the messages to heart. A lot of the stories about the homies are v sad and often end in ways that you really didn't want them to end. I don't think I loved the way this book was written; G obviously knows how to tell a story and captivate an audience but this didn't read much like a well-written book to me. He's a great priest but maybe not a great author (?). Took a lot of lessons from this though - above all, be kind and compassionate!!!
I Remember
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Joe Brainard This book made me feel so nostalgic and, while easily half of the 40s/50s references flew over my head, I felt his life memories intertwine with mine [the reader]. definitely some problematic thoughts but also very honest and all over the place (really, what even is a thought?) love the book concept
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Roald Dahl definitely more problematic than i remember a childhood classic but with a lesser degree of sweetness than it seemed to possess back then dahl's imagination is my favorite part; he comes up with the strangest and most amusing candies and concepts
Utterly Me, Clarice Bean
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
by Lauren Child cute and calm with a dash of suspense, and i love the author's style of both writing and illustrating very in line with a constantly-wandering child's mind however i never want to hear the word "utterly" again
The Angry Earth Series
Hope: A Tragedy
Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail
Men of Mathematics
•finished: 2022-02-03 00:00:00
History of the great mathematicians by E.T. Bell, mostly from the 16th through the 19th century.
The Body Artist
The Four Winds
Ecology of Fear
Man's Search for Meaning
Star Maker
•finished: 2023-02-17 19:33:30.476352
Very early Galaxy wide sci-fi, dense read. Olaf Stapledon
2010: Odyssey Two
Deaths End
The Dark Forest
The Three Body Problem
Mars Underground
•finished: 2023-02-17 19:28:05.530573
Had good sci-fi potential - turned out to be a disappointing silly love triangle - not worth the time. William Hartmann
•finished: 2023-02-17 19:23:01.044996
lots of conclusions from mostly anecdotal experiences . James Nestor
New York 2140
•finished: 2023-02-17 19:21:34.353156
Meh - found it disappointing, hard to recommend. Kim Stanley Robinson
God and Mr. Gomez
•finished: 2023-02-17 19:20:00.542694
Trials and tribulations of building a second home in Baja. Jack Smith
Arctic Dreams
Desert Solitare
What do You Care What Other People Think?
Introduction to Effective Field Theories
•finished: 2023-02-06 17:13:29.009194 I love Aneesh <3
The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader
•last updated: 2023-02-03 19:59:02.360082
found at a trailhead by JPL
The Road
Expect Resistance: a field manual
No Wall They Can Build: A guide to borders & migration across North America
•finished: 2023-01-05 19:00:04.496391
The Coming Insurrection
Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala
•last updated: 2023-01-05 18:58:35.606795
Once There Were Wolves
The Sweetness of Water
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Yellow Wife
The Invention of Nature
The Great Gatsby
I'm Glad My Mom Died
Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed.
•last updated: 2022-12-27 22:53:01.017942
I am reading this book against my will. This is a call for help.
Once There Were Wolves
Termination Shock
•finished: 2022-12-25 18:06:40.190546
Termination Shock was a Neil Stephenson veneer over a Tom Clancy or Clive Cussler novel. Less interesting (with much less world building) than his older novels like Cryptonomicon or Anathem.
Moby Dick
Crying in H Mart
Buried in the Sky
Prelude to Foundation
Interview with Richard Feynman
•finished: 2022-12-06 20:52:57.196598
Five-part oral interview with Richard Feynman in 1966, on his life and career Much more extensive and insightful (and also more technical) than his autobiographies
The Quantum Theory of Fields
•finished: 2022-12-06 20:49:07.984670
Weinberg's first volume on quantum field theory, covering the foundations. Not a good source for a first introduction, but if you really want to understand the field as it exists today, I have heard that there is no better resource.
Portland Queer
The Last Thing He Told Me
The Guest List
The Four Winds
Gone Girl
Love Letters
day of the locust
All About Love
Greenwich Park
Sharp Objects
An Apprenticeship or the Book of Pleasures
•finished: 2022-10-16 21:32:51.891995
By Clarice Lispector
failure is not an option
•last updated: 2022-09-13 03:47:46.658070
gene kranz saves apollo 13... and the world!... from certain destruction
Catch 22
one hundred years of solitude
•last updated: 2022-09-13 03:46:41.491042
some kid runs away with the gypsies and his family is mad
Riding Rockets
•last updated: 2022-09-13 03:46:21.037720
mike mullane discusses the intricacies of arrested development
Strapdown Analytics I & II
Big Kids
Little Fires Everywhere
Book Lovers
•finished: 2022-09-13 00:42:02.250938
By Emily Henry finished: 6/26/2022 It was really well-rounded with multiple storylines going on without it being too difficult to keep track. Really light and easy to read. Good fluff book :)
Beautiful World, Where Are You
•finished: 2022-09-13 00:41:03.736777
By Sally Rooney finished: 5/31/2022 I loved this book—one of my favorites of all time and definitely my favorite from Rooney. I love how morally grey her characters are and I felt so similar to Eileen it scared me at times how alike we were. The religious undertones were also so unique and really special.
Heartstopper: Vol 4
Heartstopper: Vol 3
Heartstopper: Vol 2
Heartstopper: Vol 1
The Bluest Eye
•finished: 2022-09-13 00:32:50.989183
By Toni Morrison One of the most beautifully written books i’ve ever read. Absolutely one of my favorites. Heartbreaking, relatable, palpable and horrifying
Filthy Animals
•finished: 2022-09-13 00:30:31.995390
By Brandon Taylor finished: 2/2/2022 While I recognize Taylor writes a lot of himself into his main characters, it felt so eerily similar to “Real Life” by him. I enjoyed that it was multiple stories, however so many of the stories felt under addressed and flat, while others pumped full of minute details. I would have missed a little more depth in some of the stories.
Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead
•finished: 2022-09-13 00:29:33.868762
By Emily Austin finished: 2/1/2022 It could have been so good? But was mostly filled with anxiety monologues with no real purpose? It didn’t really do much at all for me.
The Remains of the Day
•finished: 2022-08-25 19:29:10.786037
Kazuo Ishiguro this book was a short and simple story about an english butler going for a 3 day road trip but managed to be entirely devastating. recommend
Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone
•last updated: 2022-08-24 18:35:35.157357
by Brené Brown
Pedagogy of Hope: Reliving Pedagogy of the Oppressed
•last updated: 2022-08-18 15:53:44.861096
The Body Keeps The Score
Les Miserables
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Theory
•last updated: 2022-08-08 23:26:59.351741
Batman: Curse of the White Knight
To Fall in Love, Drink This
Control of Robot Manipulators in Joint Space
Robot Modeling and Control 2nd Edition
•finished: 2022-07-29 02:39:12.330549
Meh. I didn't love it. New sci-fi is so pretentious these days
American Icon
Scandal takes the stage
The Box
Cadillac Desert
The Overstory
New York 2140
Homage to Catalonia
Batman: The Killing Joke
•finished: 2022-07-13 04:32:04.617287
Accidently bought the novelization not the comic, but it was a fine story, wish I'd read the comic
Things we do in the dark
•finished: 2022-07-13 04:31:36.238768
It was a decent mystery, didn't love it. TW: Sexual assault. Gave me nightmares.
Assassins Apprentice
•finished: 2022-07-13 04:30:38.866915
The old style fantasy. A really good read if a little cliche, but not too cliche
You're Invited
•finished: 2022-07-13 04:29:02.104750
A different kind of mystery novel than I'm used to. I enjoyed it, read it all in one day
You're Invited
Mars Underground
A Childhood in Prison
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
•finished: 2022-06-22 06:47:46.082413
This is such a beautiful and original book. I've never read anything like it. Every chapter will break your heart.
Tracks Across Alaska
•finished: 2022-06-19 21:11:54.987052
Memoir by Alastair Scott recounting his 1988 dog-sled 'expedition' from anchorage to Nome. Alastair is an entertaining author and manages to sneak in quite a bit of interesting history as he travels through the Yukon.
Fatal Storm
D. Tong - Lectures on Particle Physics
•finished: 2022-06-16 17:34:07.868439
A qualitative introduction to the standard model of particle physics, written to be accessible to a general science audience. Highly recommend for anybody curious about what the universe is made of, and the path we've taken to get to our current theory.
Love in the Time of Cholera
•finished: 2022-06-16 17:29:46.950588
A flowery book that really sends home the idea of how much power can lie in our images of each other
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
•finished: 2022-06-16 17:26:48.400005
A very original, depressing, but beautiful book on the shortcomings and nuances of human relationships and connection.
•finished: 2022-06-11 20:44:39.008048
Bio of Sergei P Korolev, architect of the Soviet space program.
Catch 22
the little prince
The Crying of Lot 49
•finished: 2022-06-05 22:10:53.717236
By Thomas Pynchon. I would like to say I enjoyed the book, but truly I finished reading in a fog, unable to distinguish between the scathing critique of 60s LA, analysis of mail service in the medieval Holy Roman Empire, and whatever boat Pynchon’s parody of the Beatles was stealing at the time. 10/10.
High Vacuum
•finished: 2022-06-01 03:26:19.843713
This book was amazing, and beautiful, and heartbreaking, I haven't read a book like this in ages. I will never ever be able to read it again but it was incredibke well written. This will be one of my favorite books for a long time
Lonely Planet's Global Distillery Tour
In Our Time
Things I Learned from Falling
Reasons to Stay Alive
•last updated: 2022-05-30 17:46:10.478308
By Matt Haig. Memoir about overcoming depression and anxiety. Really good so far.
Chapter One
•finished: 2022-05-30 17:44:51.179493
By Daniel Flynn. Autobiography/Memoir about starting the Australian social enterprise Thankyou. Pretty good, inspirational, I enjoyed it.
Mr. Churchills Secretary
Strap Down Anal
•last updated: 2022-05-28 06:42:49.375377
A deep entrenched book with lots to dig into full steam ahead
Batman: White Knight
Food of the Gods
Part of your world
•finished: 2022-05-18 13:48:12.466962
Botm romance novel. A nice break from the other stuff I've been reading
Mining the Sky
•finished: 2022-05-17 00:02:39.802753
A short, somewhat technical introduction to the resources available on the lunar surface and in the asteroid belt by John S. Lewis. Similar in detail to Structures by J.E. Gordon and very approachable.
The Soviet Chess Primer
two half faces
Year of Yes
•finished: 2022-04-29 22:48:06.818740
by shonda rhimes, creator of grey's anatomy and scandal her personal story of how she more intentionally & honestly said yes to things for a year - including saying "yes" to saying "no" more when that is her truth - and how it changed the way she saw herself and the way she lives life. she shares humbling stories of how she battled her fears of public speaking, meeting people, and speaking up for herself - and how the culmination of that work during the "year of yes", is what got her to a point of true self love and happiness. not necessarily her accomplishments or awards she receives.
Giannis: The Improbable Rise of an NBA MVP
•last updated: 2022-04-29 22:37:12.747541
by Mirin Fader
You are your best thing
Klara and the Sun
What do You Care What Other People Think?
Hold Me Tight
•finished: 2022-04-24 02:02:45.182411
by Dr Sue Johnson therapist suggested I read it. based on emotionally focused therapy. when we get into damaging or hopeless communication cycles with a loved one, a lot of times it’s a mirror of the lack of emotional love / attachment that was received during our formative years. thus we build defense mechanisms and habits that prevent us from fully being able to be and communicate our honest selves - and be in trusting and loving relationships. this book helps teaches how to constructively navigate exploring this process with a loved one and build more positive communication and listening habits. lotsa work! but worth it
the house of the spirits
Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself
•last updated: 2022-04-19 03:23:28.680651
by Nedra Glover Tawwab
Hail Mary
•finished: 2022-04-18 04:03:28.265781
Not sure I liked it. Felt like someone was trying to sneakly teach me science for 500 pages
Leviathan Falls - The Expanse
•finished: 2022-04-16 22:42:37.915395
The 9th and final book in the Expanse series. So excited!
Diamond age
Numerical Recipe's
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Buddhism without Belief
Seven Years In Tibet
On having no head
The Diamond Age
Rockets and People, Pt 1-4
the Map that Changed the World
•finished: 2022-04-12 23:41:47.579778
by Simon Winchester honestly thought this would be more boring than it was? non fiction about this mess of a man who created the worlds first geological map when he realized strata layers matched in multiple coal mines despite them being miles from eachother. many interesting little english anecdotes like the canal bubble, fossil facts, debtor prisons, all in the backdrop of the napoleonic wars
October Light
50 Short Science Fiction Tales
What do You Care What Other People Think?
•finished: 2022-04-04 14:46:46.428397
Part 2 of Richard Feynman’s sort of autobiography. I recommend this book to anyone working in the sciences or engineering, particularly the second half in which Feynman reviews his work on the Challenger investigation.
All Quiet on the Western Front
Kayaking the Vermillion Sea
•finished: 2022-04-03 16:08:35.692924
Eight Hundred Miles Down the Baja by Jonathan Waterman.
A Planet to Win
Homelessness is a Housing Problem
Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find--and Keep-- Love
•last updated: 2022-03-28 17:03:32.146091
It ends with us
The Silent Patient
The Color of Law
•finished: 2022-03-22 19:23:32.652985
this was so informative damn the US is fucked up
The Paris Apartment
•finished: 2022-03-20 18:26:43.087346
Eh. Not my favorite book. Decent mystery novel but never fully grabbed my attention
The First Three Minutes
•finished: 2022-03-19 06:07:39.670253
Classic popular science book on the origins of the universe by the late (and great) Steven Weinberg
99% Invisible City
Stormlight Archive
Order of the stick
•last updated: 2022-03-10 01:15:36.656639
Amazing online comic I forgot about but want to reread
•finished: 2022-03-08 20:57:09.896913
Very much young adult sci-fi. A relaxing read, not sure I'd recommend it unless you're looking for something to casually pickup and put down
The Silent Patient
•finished: 2022-03-08 20:56:28.699755
Kinda a thriller/whodunit book. I dunno. I hadn't read book in awhile and I really enjoyed it
la ttitudes
The Mother Tongue - English and How it Got That Way
•finished: 2022-02-19 19:44:01.518254
I have enjoyed this jumbled heap of facts. 9/10.
Project Hail Mary
•finished: 2022-02-04 23:57:43.201022
Near future SciFi by Andy Weir (of The Martian) that asks the question: what would space bacteria look like? I dunno, it was a little overhyped, but still a fun read.
Leviathan Falls - The Expanse
•finished: 2022-01-29 07:36:23.648393
Last book in the Expanse series. The books are pulpy SciFi grounded in thoroughly constructed theoretical technologies.
Book lists I think are interesting
•last updated: 2022-01-24 07:22:02.505852
The Reluctant Metropolis
•last updated: 2022-01-24 00:58:06.018857
telling the story of LA County's growth - someone on twitter recommended "the history of urban planning in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, tracing the legacy of short-sighted political and financial gains that has resulted in a vast urban region on the brink of disaster."
Fourier Analysis and Its Applications
Slaughterhouse Five
The Art of Doing Science and Engineering
•last updated: 2022-01-17 05:00:08.652657
By Richard Hamming, reference from Stripe Press:
•finished: 2022-01-16 18:55:34.978945
Loved: When the One Who Knows You Best Loves You Most Daniel Hoogteijling *** Great book!
Who Ate Lunch with Abraham?
•last updated: 2022-01-16 18:54:48.597944
Asher Intrater
Delighting in the Trinity
•last updated: 2022-01-16 18:54:10.652284
Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith Michael Reeves
Absolom, Absolom!
Ocean Dynamics and the Carbon Cycle
•last updated: 2022-01-16 01:10:17.586958
this is really great fun
Harry Potter
A Tale of Two Cities
The Silver Chair
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Don Quixote
The Last Days
The Kremlin Conspiracy
The Last Jihad