Sirens of Titan
last updated: 2025-02-24 05:38:06.093164
After Dark
finished: 2025-02-24 08:00:00
I finished this in a little over a day and really loved it. I was completely immersed in the world of the story and loved the calm feeling it gave me while reading it. I also really loved the characters. Mari was relatable and I would love to be friends with Takahashi. All of the characters were interesting. The open-ended plot didn’t really bother me and I just enjoyed following around the characters and listening to their problems and opinions about life.
finished: 2025-02-24 08:00:00
Objectively good, I can see why it’s a classic. Wasn’t a favorite for me though, maybe I’ll reread it in the future
Cat’s Cradle
finished: 2025-02-24 08:00:00
The religious themes and criticism on searching for meaning stuck out to me as well as the questions about the ethics of scientific advancement it brought up. I wasn’t sure what I thought of it when I first finished it but I couldn’t stop thinking about it afterwards and realized that I did enjoy it. I also found it interesting that none of the characters were outright good or bad.
Kafka on the Shore
A Wild Sheep Chase
finished: 2025-02-24 05:45:56.490491