
Joma West

dan.dan read

by Joma West super super weird and unsettling dystopian scifi. touching other people is forbidden, keeping up your face (persona) is the only thing that matters - you mustn't ever show what or how you are truly feeling, for that could influence your social standing. menials aka indentured servants/enslaved people who aren't allowed to talk to their owners are considered subhuman. babies are designed exactly how their parents want them to be and are created by surrogate or beaker. parallels to today's society are obvious. many queer undertones to this book that i can't help but wonder if i made up, since i can't find anything about these queer references in the reviews of this book. the ending threw me for a loop. liked the idea of the book but not so much the execution - many unanswered questions and i wanted to know so much more about the characters but instead was met with the same scene from different pov time and time again. saw a review call this disorienting - agreed. maybe like a 3/5.

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